Crescendo Back on Tour Part 1

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Padme, naturally, was shocked to see Qui-Gon alive again. Caroline too was shocked that her daughter and niece revived a man who had been dead for twelve years. Nevertheless, Qui-Gon was delighted to meet his younger son's wife.

"It's very nice to meet you, Master Qui-Gon." said Caroline, shaking her father-in-law's hand.

"Likewise, Caroline." Qui-Gon said, kissing his daughter-in-law's hand. "You are even lovelier than I imagined. Carmine chose very well."

"You have no idea." said Carmine, adjusting his glasses. "She's been the real music of my life since the day we met."

Caroline chuckled. "You should've seen the time at music school he started singing love songs all the time."

"He didn't happen to sing Sweet Caroline, did he?" Anakin teased.

"He did at one point." Caroline said.

Carmine blushed. "That made it pretty obvious I was crushing on Caroline. None of the girls seemed to want to be crushed on by a guy with glasses."

"But I love your glasses." Caroline said, gently pushing her husband's glasses back on as they fell down a bit. "Had you not lost them on your first day at school, I would never have gotten close to my favorite love song."

Caroline pulled her husband into a kiss, which he gladly returned.

"Did you know the name Carmine literally means 'song?'" Lamenta said.

"No, I didn't know that." Anakin said. "He was named well, I guess."

"Where does my name come from?"

"Well, Sweetie. You were named after your great grandmother Lamenta." Caroline explained. "She was very beautiful, and many claimed she had the power to make people's greatest wishes come true. When your father and I eloped, we saw a shooting star on which we made a special wish. A wish for a beautiful, healthy baby of our own to love and care for. And when you were born, we discovered you inherited your great grandmother's rare purple eyes. And so, we decided to name you after her because you were our greatest wish come true."

Caroline picked up her daughter and gave her the sweetest kiss.

As the family sat together at dinner, Carmine could not stop going on about what life was like for him after he was left alone at age thirteen. He told his father all about his days at music school, meeting Caroline, having Lamenta... he even let him in on the secret of his double life as Count Crescendo.

Carmine even sang a few songs and showed off his dance moves and outfit changes.

"I am proud of you for finding a career you enjoy Carmine." Qui-Gon said. "However, I don't imagine it is easy balancing that as well as a family."

"It's not. But, it's worth having someone to come home to after every concert." said Carmine. "Well, really just go back to a hotel room or a trailer, but you know what I mean."

"How exactly do you keep people from knowing your identity as a singer?"

"Simple. I just tell people I'm the choreographer, which isn't far from the truth. And if ever I sing in public like at a karaoke place... I just do this."

Carmine sang a little on-key, and then intentionally sang way off-key, which made the kids cover their ears.

"Yeah. If I didn't already know he was Count Crescendo," said Gabby. "I wouldn't believe he was either if I heard him singing like that."

"If you ask me, it takes real talent to sing that badly on purpose." Remix said. "And I know music."

Carmine chuckled and said, "Life outside the superstar life is very relaxing, though. And, getting to teach the kids at the temple about music has been great too."

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