Wookie Hunt

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As Anakin Skywalker scours the galaxy, desperate to find his lost apprentice and daughter, Trandoshan sport hunters continued to track their youngling prey. Separated from their friends, Kalifa, Ahsoka, and Gabby find themselves on the run as the hunters close in around them.

There was growling in the distance, which signaled the three girls to keep running.

As one Trandoshan closed in on Ahsoka, the Togruta and little girl hid under a tree branch.

"Where is she?" Dar's father demanded.

"This one was faster than most." said the hunter. "I've lost the scent. And she had the little one with her."

The leader growled. "They can't hide forever. Mark my words... I'll have her hide and nail it to the wall right after I kill the little one right in front of her for killing my son."

Gabby held on tighter to Ahsoka, fearing for her young life.

Kalifa, hiding behind another branch motioned for Ahsoka and Gabby to follow, and they were on their way.

The girls soon arrived back at the shelter. They met O-Mer and Jinx.

"You made it." said Jinx.

"We feared the worst." O-Mer added.

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the princess here." Kalifa said, petting Gabby's head.

"If she's so magical, how come she's not using her powers to get us out of here?"

"Believe me, I would love to." Gabby said. "But I haven't learned any transportation spells yet. Usually Carousella, my royal guard, does that."

O-Mer sighed. "It's only a matter of time."

"If it's only a matter of time till we die, I say we go down with a fight." said Ahsoka.

"That is suicide." said Jinx.

"You said that every few days they release new prisoners on the beach. I say we attack that drop ship head-on. They'll never expect it."

"Is it worth a shot?" O-Mer asked.

"If there's a chance we can all get out of here and get this little one back to her family," said Kalifa. "I say let's do it."

Later, Ahsoka and the others were at the beach area, where they saw the drop ship coming in.

"Get ready. We'll have to be swift." Ahsoka said.

"The drop point's not far." said O-Mer.

Soon, the ship dropped in, and the younglings jumped up onto the ship. While the boys held off the Trandoshan who tried to attack them, the girls went in to take down the pilot.

The pilot tried to shoot Ahsoka, but Ahsoka and Kalifa tackled him, and Gabby froze him with her ice powers, knowing lizards were cold-blooded and couldn't move when they were too cold. Unfortunately, the ship's steering controls were damaged, and the ship fell apart . Luckily, Ahsoka managed to hit the release and get herself and the others out before the ship crashed.

"Well, I guess we won't be escaping on that ship." said O-Mer.

"You think?" Gabby said sarcastically.

"We'll find another way." said Ahsoka.

Suddenly, there was a roaring sound. Gabby gasped and hugged Kalifa's leg.

"What was that?" Gabby and Jinx asked in unison.

"A survivor." Ahsoka said.

The younglings carefully approached the scene.

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