The Lost Ones & Discovered Cures

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Another day in the Clone Wars. Jedi Master Plo Koon was dispatched to discover the origin of a signal for help, and he and his crew discovered a ship that crashed many years ago, and the lightsaber of late Master Sifo-Dyas. Obi-Wan recalled learning on Kamino before the start of the clone war that Master Sifo-Dyas ordered the creation of the clone army. Gabby would've put it that in a way, Sifo-Dyas did do them a little favor because she got her brother thanks to the cloning process. But it also served as a new piece of the puzzle to putting together the mystery of why the Clone War was orchestrated in the first place.

Madame Jacosta Nu brought up some holograms of records regarding Sifo-Dyas.

"Our records definitely state that Master Sifo-Dyas died on Felucia." Madame Nu explained. "In the fifth quarter, a small skirmish broke out between the native Felucians. Master Sifo-Dyas was assigned to negotiate peace talks between the tribes."

A hologram of Master Sifo-Dyas was pulled up.

"The negotiations failed and Sifo-Dyas was killed." continued the librarian.

"Sounds even worse than the time a fan war broke out during one of the music festivals I performed at." Carmine said.

"What became of his body?" Plo asked via hologram.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that," said Madame Jacosta. "Any further information on this incident has been sealed."

"On whose authority?" Mace asked.

"By the office of the Supreme Chancellor."

"Thank you, Madame Jacosta."

After Madame Jacosta left, Yoda declared, "To, Felucia, Skywalker and Kenobi will go. A trail long cold it is, yet still lay hidden there a clue might be. Question all who were present the day of Sifo-Dyas's death, you must."

"And what of the sealed file?" Mace asked.

"Speak with the Chancellor personally I will," said Yoda. "to see what part in this the politics of the Senate have played."

Gabby stayed behind to help her cousin and uncle with their research on the inhibitor chips. Ahsoka and Boba also came along to help.

"Mind filling me in on what you've got so far?" Ahsoka asked.

"We've run at least twenty different tests on these inhibitor chips, which are actually duplicates we made for the very purpose of experimenting," said Lamenta. "So far, we've seen them respond to healing magic, eradication spells, and siren songs."

"And with a little DNA sample from Boba," said Carmine. "We've hypothesized that healing magic will recognize the chips as something that doesn't belong, and thus make it safe for the spell to get rid of the chips, and it won't harm them."

So far, they made some progress using Boba's DNA sample, as well as the nectar of some poinsunna flowers (a flower resembling poinsettias in yellow, orange, and pink sunrise or sunset colors), and finding that certain patterns of notes sung with Siren Song affected the chips.

"We're making progress," said Gabby. "But, I think we may need one more new ingredient. Everyone, start digging through some spell books and see if you find anything that could be useful."

So, Ahsoka, Fiesta, Carousella, Crescent, and Boba all got to work reading as many spell books as they could.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Peppermint, and Sapphire, meanwhile, traveled to Felucia to speak with the tribal leaders.

They contacted Master Yoda afterward.

"I have spoken with the tribal leaders on Felucia." said Obi-Wan. "They use a very ancient dialect which is hard to understand'"

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