Old Qui-Gon, New Life

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Gabby woke up a few minutes earlier than usual this morning and decided to go see how her grandfather was doing. He didn't wake up at any time the day before, but he was alive and resting. She only hoped he was feeling okay now. But when she got to Obi-Wan's room, she quickly found she wasn't the only one who wanted to see him.

Carmine stood over the bed and looked at Qui-Gon as though he were dreaming. He tenderly placed a hand on his father's as tears came to his eyes.

"Please wake up soon, Dad." Carmine whispered.

"Couldn't sleep?" Gabby whispered, starling her uncle a little bit.

Carmine looked at his niece for a bit and then back to his father, who was still resting peacefully.

"It's been... so long. I thought... I thought I'd never..." Carmine had trouble getting out the words.

"I get it." Gabby said. "You have a second chance with your daddy now."

Carmine then picked up his niece and hugged her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Carmine whispered. "You have no idea what miracle you've done."

Gabby returned the hug and said, "I'm glad I could help. But remember, I can't cast that spell all willy-nilly. Not just because it's very difficult to cast and drains a bit of energy. But, also because the more it's cast, the more risk is taken of disrupting the balance between life and death and potentially doing more harm than good."

Carmine sighed and said that he understood. Right now, he was glad to have more time with his father, even if it was with him sleeping.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Carmine whispered to his father. "You'll love Caroline and Lamenta when you meet them."

That was when Obi-Wan entered the room.

"How is he?" Obi-Wan asked quietly.

"Still out like a light." Carmine said. He looked at Gabby again. "Did that spell book say how long it would be before a subject wakes up?"

Gabby thought back and answered, "Usually about fourteen to seventeen hours after revival at most. By now it's been about fifteen and a half, by my estimate. So, he should be waking up soon. In the meantime, we need to make sure we have everything necessary to nurture him to good health. Some fresh water, healthy food, and slowly getting him used to his body again through physical activity."

A little later, Anakin came in to check on his father. He was still processing the fact that the same Jedi who discovered him was alive again, and even more that he turned out to be his father. He had so many questions and had no doubt that Carmine did too. Why did Carmine grow up freely while Anakin remained a slave? Why didn't their mother get both of them freed? Why did neither of their parents tell either twin about the other parent or child?

Anakin wasn't surprised when he saw Carmine and Obi-Wan looking over Qui-Gon. It was hard for all of them when Qui-Gon was killed at the hand of Darth Maul. Now that horrible Sith was taken to be turned to stone and locked away forever in an inescapable prison in the Enchantra galaxy.

"How is he?" Anakin asked.

"Still not waking up." Carmine said sadly.

Obi-Wan gently felt his master's forehead; his temperature felt pretty normal. Then Anakin came in to get his turn being with Qui-Gon.

"I...I don't know what to say. What can I say?" Anakin said. "Why didn't you tell me you were my father? Why did Carmine get to live freely while Mom and I were stuck in slavery? Did you... did you love Carmine more than me?" Anakin felt tears come to his eyes, and one fell onto Qui-Gon's cheek.

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