Two Droids & A Musicorn

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After R2-D2 was rescued from the Trandoshan scavenger ship by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker, his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and young Princess Gabriella Skywalker, the scavenger was forced to arrive at General Griveous's listening post empty handed. And, as expected, he took it about as well as you might imagine.
"What do you mean you lost the droid?!" Grievous shouted angrily. "You had one job! How hard is it to hold on to a stupid R2 unit?"
"It was not my fault, General." The scavenger said. "Some Jedi and a magical little girl took it."
Grievous was immediately intrigued.
"What magical little girl?" the cyborg asked.
"Some little brat in pink with flowers growing from her hands." Said the scavenger.
Grievous laughed as he knew exactly who he was talking about. He knew if the Jedi were coming after him again, they would likely have something much more valuable than a droid.
Count Dooku had already tried to kidnap Gabby once for his master Darth Sidious, but was unsuccessful. During the Battle of Geonosis, he gave her to someone else for a moment, and the next thing he knew, the little one crawled away. But, Grievous knew that if he could get a hold of the child, he could potentially use her for something devious. But, capturing her wouldn't be easy. And her last ten babysitters would agree; it was impossible to get that girl to stay in one place for even five minutes.
"There might be a use for you yet. That little brat would be Princess Gabriella. She is the one Jedi unable to use her Jedi powers. My master has been after her for years. If you wish to make up for what you have lost, you can bring the girl to me. She will be much more useful than any droid."

Meanwhile, Anakin and his crew were heading to the listening post, all ready to face whatever was coming. Gabby, on the other hand, was in her seat, taking a nap, a little tired from the last battle they were in.
Anakin ordered R2 to scramble the signal so the Separatists wouldn't detect them. Then, he looked over at his sleeping daughter as she rested peacefully. He smiled at how cute she was when she slept. In the field of battle, it was unlikely she would get to nap on schedule every day. So, Gabby started taking whatever time she had between battles to nap so she would be well-rested for the next mission.
"Hopefully she'll get enough sleep this time around," said Anakin quietly enough to avoid disturbing his daughter, but loud enough for Ahsoka to hear.
Anakin used the Force to place a piece of fabric over Gabby like a blanket so she would be more comfortable.
"She's lucky she even gets a break after every battle." Ahsoka said, whining a little.
They soon got into contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Anakin," said Obi-Wan.
"Master," said Anakin, but pausing as he heard Gabby stirred. Then he lowered his voice a little. "Shh. I believe we found your Separatist listening post.
"Excellent. Back up and wait," Obi-Wan ordered, also lowering his voice. "I'll send two main line cruisers to help you destroy it."
"Good, and with R2 here, it'll be a cinch."
"Be more careful with your droid, from now on Anakin. We cannot allow him to fall into enemy hands again."
"I know. Luckily, it was easy rescuing him with a certain sleeping beauty helping." He stepped aside to look at the sleeping princess again.
"I still debate allowing a two-year-old into the battlefield." Obi-Wan said, sounding concerned.
"I know, but I've seen many learn the hard way not to be fooled by her cuteness."
"Just keep protecting her. If she fell into enemy hands, it could be much more catastrophic. She may need more than one bodyguard, now that she is joining the fight."
"No worries, the Separatists can't get to her now, and I can take care of her for now."

Of course, Anakin, being Anakin, decided they needed to fly closer to keep an eye on the Separatist battle sphere, and look for the best way to destroy it. Of course, Anakin told R2 that they were gonna stick together this time. But, when Ahsoka said they should give Goldie a chance, Anakin said...
"If Stubby wants to prove himself, he can stay here and watch Gabby." Anakin said. "Which should be easy while she's asleep. If he can pull that off, he'll have earned my trust."
"Make sure she stays asleep, Goldie." Ahsoka said. "you might not know this, but she's a wild one when she's awake."
R3 beeped at her.

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