Voices & Amorevo

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It was a shock to the entire Jedi Council to learn Dooku had murdered Sifo-Dyas all those years ago and orchestrated the creation of the clone army. Now, they were having a meeting to discuss the purpose of this deception. Anakin asked Boba if he'd known anything about Sifo-Dyas he'd forgotten to mention or that Dooku was Darth Tyranus.

"I thought you already knew about Dooku." Boba said.

"That we did not. But why did you not say anything about him earlier?" Obi-Wan asked.

"It never came up. Besides, I put all that stuff behind me. Dad, you of all people should know how difficult that can be."

Anakin looked down with a sigh. His twelve-year-old son was right. That was just another thing they had in common. Neither of them had a past they were proud to look back on before they got to have Padme, Gabby, Carmine, Caroline, and/or Lamenta in their lives. It was hard to say who had it harder, but Boba had the chance to live the rest of his youth with a bigger, happier, more free-living family than he might have continuing as a bounty hunter.

"The only good thing that came out of his deed really was that you exist now, Boba." said Gabby, hugging Boba. "And now I have the best big brother ever."

Boba couldn't help smiling and hugging his little sister back. Both he and Gabby had grown a lot in the last two years they'd been siblings. And things seemed to get even better for them when they found out they had a cousin and uncle they'd never met. It was even crazier when they found out their uncle was actually their favorite singer Count Crescendo.

Anakin had also been shocked to learn he had a twin brother, and even more shocked when he learned Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi who discovered him, was actually his father. Carmine still grieved for his father from time to time, especially when the anniversary of his death came around.

Some time that same day, Carmine was taking a nap after dance practice, when he heard a voice whisper his name.

Carmine stirred as he heard the voice.

"Carmine..." the voice echoed.

"I'm dreaming I hear you, Dad." Carmine muttered in his sleep.

"You are not dreaming, my son." said the voice.

That was when Carmine sat up in his bed. His vision was blurred without his glasses on, but as far as he could tell, no one was in there.

"My, how you've grown, my boy." Qui-Gon said.

Carmine lay back down and tried to go back to sleep, but he was starting to freak out at that point.

Carmine put his glasses on this time and looked around.

"Who's there?" Carmine asked, picking up one of his guitars to use as a weapon.

"It is me, Carmine. Your father." Qui-Gon said.

"That's impossible. You're dead."

"No, I am of the living Force." That was when objects started to levitate like in a scary movie, but that only succeeded in making Carmine scream, and he rushed out of his room, bumping into something and dropping his glasses, not realizing he did as he was too busy running. In case you hadn't guessed already, Carmine is the jumpier twin.

Meanwhile, Anakin was walking into a courtyard with Carousella and Sapphire, when he heard a voice echoing "Yoda."

Anakin turned around and was startled. "Oh! Master Yoda. Sorry, I didn't see you there."

Master Yoda seemed to be meditating.

"Is everything okay?" Carousella asked, beating Anakin to the question.

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