Rising Malevolence

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A short time had passed since the rescue of Jabba the Hutt's son Rotta. With access to the trade routes in the Outer Rim, the Republic had an advantage that would hopefully help them win the war, and they needed every warrior they could fight. And some of those warriors were very young, one being literally only two years old. Well, two and a half now, technically, but still. Her name was Gabby Skywalker, but to the public, her name was Gabby Amidala.

Being only a toddler, Gabby needed to prove herself more than any other fighter, and she was determined to do so. The young princess had managed to use her magic to defeat a clone traitor and some battle droids, but she learned it would take more than three lucky shots to prove herself worthy of fighting. But since she didn't know how to read yet, she found the next best thing: movies and tv. She watched different films that were about martial arts and fighting for what was right, and she paid very close attention, copying all the movements to strengthen her little body and improve her coordination. She even learned to improve her coordination through dancing. Her friend Fantasia even gave her a few tips on how to do gymnastics, which the alicorn princess was very good at.

Little Gabby Skywalker was definitely not your typical Jedi. She liked to create her own little adventures and was always eager to show affection by hugging everyone she met. She even grew to see a lot of Jedi as family, some Jedi Masters she grew close with and started calling her aunts and uncles. It only made sense since the Jedi called themselves brothers and sisters in the order. And, the Masters actually liked hearing the little one look up to all of them so much.

Learning to control her magic on her own wasn't easy, this Gabby knew. But her father always said "The best teacher is experience." So, Gabby got plenty of it, especially when she found ways of playing around with her magic and learned more about how they worked along the way. Despite being smarter than the average toddler, Gabby was not without a little kid's natural curiosity and desire to play and have fun exploring the world around her.

It was just another day in the Temple. Today, little Gabby was minding her own business, just being her playful self, playing around with her magic. Her most recent one being a power to make a bunch of bubbles appear out of thin air. It didn't look like much, but some thought it was just adorable. Suddenly, as Gabby was practicing it, she made something else appear.

"Butterfly!" Gabby exclaimed as a monarch butterfly appeared right near her. But the butterfly started to fly away. "Come back here!"

Gabby started to run and chase the butterfly around the halls until she entered a ship, which her father and his Padawan Ahsoka were on. Quickly, Gabby popped the bubble and hid behind something, afraid she would get in trouble for being on the ship without permission.

She stayed very quiet as the ship took off and eventually ended up in space. Gabby eventually got tired of sitting and crawled on the floor and watched her father and Ahsoka as they were taking a holo-call from Master Plo Koon, who was investigating a dangerous Separatist weapon that took out many squadrons.

"Katooya, Maser Plo." Ahsoka greeted.

"Katooya, little 'Soka." said Master Plo.

"How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" Anakin asked.

"We've tracked it to the Abregado system." said Master Plo. "We need reinforcements."

"I'll have to ask the Council, Master Plo. I was given strict orders to protect our staging area."

Gabby wanted to go say 'hi,' but she knew she'd be in trouble if Anakin saw her. But as she continued to watch, she noticed something was wrong, and she got nervous. The call started to go static.

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