Brain Invaders

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After Poggle was captured, the Geonosian queen's lair was destroyed, and the droid factory was demolished, the Jedi placed Poggle onto a ship to await trial on Coruscant, and Ahsoka and her best friend Barris Offee arrived at the scene in another ship.

Master Mundi exited the ship Poggle was loaded onto.

"I'm afraid we have another complication," said Ki-Adi.

"Don't we always?" Anakin remarked.

"I've just received a distress signal from our forces on Dantooine. Master Windu's defenses held, but at a great cost to his men."

"They need medical supplies immediately." Ki-Adi said. "We can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestus."

"We're delivering Poggle to Coruscant," said Anakin. "And Cestus is not exactly on the way."

"The Republic must begin debriefing Poggle right away, if we're going to get useful intelligence from him." said Luminara.

"Master, I suggest we let our Padawans handle the supply mission." Anakin said, placing a hand on each Padawan's shoulder. "And, Carousella can go with them."

"Whatever needs to be done, Master." Ahsoka said. "I'm happy to help."

"So am I," said Barriss.

"I'm ready to guard them if they need me too," Carousella saluted.

"Very well," said Obi-Wan. "Take a medical frigate. And after we've delivered Poggle to Coruscant, we'll rendezvous with you for the voyage to Dantooine."

So, the group got ready to take their designated trips. But, one ship's crew didn't know that they had a little stowaway on board, and it wasn't Gabby this time.

The clones and the girls got on board the medical frigate to go retrieve the supplies.

Barriss notified Master Kit Fisto that they were on their way.

"I look forward to your arrival," said Kit Fisto.

Later, the girls were all fast asleep. Except Carousella, who lay in between Ahsoka and Bariss's beds, remaining alert in case anything happened... until she lay her head down and drifted off to sleep.

But, Ahsoka couldn't sleep. She looked at Bariss, who was also awake.

"What? What is it?" Bariss asked.

"It's too quiet," said Ahsoka. "It's a big change from all the fighting the last few days."

"You should enjoy this peace while it lasts," said Barriss. But that was when Carousella started snoring, which sounded like a lot of snorting and neighing. "Well, now there's noise to fill the silence."

"Not exactly what I had in mind," said Ahsoka. She covered her ears as Carousella continued snoring a little louder. "Let's go eat."

So, the two Padawans left the room to escape Carousella's snoring.

Barriss and Ahsoka went to the eating area to have something to eat, but they didn't know something else was going on, which woke Carousella right up.

Ahsoka and Barriss, meanwhile, sat in the mess hall, enjoying a much-deserved meal.

"I was just thinking about what you said earlier," said Ahsoka. "about enjoying the peace while it lasts. As a Jedi, I'm not sure I know how to do that, even with the rules changing."

"Master Windu has said we are keepers of the peace, not warriors." Bariss said. "However, once the war is over, it will be our job to maintain the peace."

Legend of the Jedi Princess: Enchanted Jedi RiseWhere stories live. Discover now