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the beach was excellent at making a dire situation into one of great euphoria.

the blond watched quietly as the lobby was decorated with strings of lights, dimmed down to a soft glow as to set the mood. hundreds of beach residents gathered in the center of the room serving as the dance floor, with half of them partnered up to dance to the music being played by the piano. he wasn't sure of the occasion, but it seemed hatter had noticed there needed to be a change in scenery in order to keep the spirits up of his followers. how else would he trick them into working for his selfish cause?

he watched from the balcony, not one for crowds and he knew he'd get dragged in to dance if he wasn't careful. many would wonder why he was around in the first place, surely his room would be the best option to avoid social interaction. but how could he help it when his desires led to you in the center of the room?

you, who beamed with a smile brighter than the lights illuminating the darkness. you who swayed along to the music, rivaling the prances that twirled across the floor. who laughed at seeing the joy across each person's face and felt the genuine euphoria that cloaked the atmosphere. you who met his eyes from up top, sparkling and enough to make his heart hurt inside his chest at the sight.

he'd lift a hand up to wave, smiling in return. there may have been hundreds of people in that room, but chishiya was unable to take his eyes off of you.

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