✔️Splendorman x Reader✔️

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*Ben's POV*

Jeff and I were carrying (Y/N) back to the mansion. We just got back from a club. Drunk. (Y/N) was the most drunk. We got kicked out of the club for tonight because she accidentally vomited on the bartender. (Y/N) would giggle every now and then. As we got into the mansion, I sat (Y/N) on the couch. Jeff and I collapsed onto the ground and blacked out due to the fact that we were also drunk.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I got up from the couch and walked upstairs. I was really dizzy and couldn't walk straight. I wandered in Splendor's room thinking it was mine. Splendor was laying on his bed reading a book.

*Splendor's POV*

"Splendy!~ Your in my room! Were you waiting for me?~" (Y/N) giggled. I looked at (Y/N) confused.

"Uh (Y/N), this is my room. Your drunk-" I was cut off by (Y/N) throwing my book across my room and straddling my lap, she was kissing me. My eyes widen, I tried to push her off but she kept a firm on my shoulders. I finally pulled away from the kiss and was able to keep her face away from mine.

"But I'm pretty!" (Y/N) shouted angerly as she tried to kiss me again.

"Yes you are but stop! Your drunk!"

"I need you! I love you!" (Y/N) cried like a little child. I started to feel bad. I sighed and pulled (Y/N) into a hug. She nuzzled her face into my neck and cried. I rubbed her back to comfort her. After a hour (Y/N) fell asleep. I didn't know what to do, I was comfortable, especially with (Y/N) laying on me. I put my hat on the nightstand, covered (Y/N) and myself with my covers and turned off my lamp. I started to stoke (Y/N)'s (H/L) (H/C) hair. It was 1:32 am when I fell asleep while holding (Y/N) close.

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