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In life, we're always racing

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In life, we're always racing.

Racing against family for achievements. Racing against friends for boyfriends and girlfriends and who can get drunk the fastest. Racing against society. Racing against time.

Because, after everything, time is what'll fuck you over the most.

I hadn't realised how much time had passed till I saw Ace again: how much he matured in the space of three years.

When he left, he was a new adult, his teenage attitude and young appearance still apparent. His hair was longer and his form extremely lanky. Now he is filled out and far more muscular.

The moment I saw him, I wondered how much has every one else changed?

"What if Anthony Vecoli hurt her?"

While Tommaso and Tristan went to their bedrooms, I realised I left my phone in the dining room. On my way back down, I heard them mention Ace's full name, and stopped dead in my tracks.

How do they know Ace?

I actually had to stop breathing so I wouldn't laugh at Antonio's question. Ace has never, would never, and will never hurt me. He's the only person in my life who has constantly been there for me.

They had remained silent for over two minutes now, so I decided to move. Making sure my footsteps were loud and recognisable, I saw all eyes on me when I walked through the dining room door.

"Everything okay?" I asked seeing all their nervous faces at my presence.

"Of course tesoro." Christopher smiled, a little pale at the head of the table. (Darling)

I saw the anxiety in Mateo's eyes, the fear in Antonio's, the horror in Stefano's, even the worry I'm Christopher's.

"How was the mall today?" Mateo asked, cautiously.

I noticed that everyone else seemed as equally interested in my answer.

"It was good. I had loads of fun." I replied, picking up my phone.

I gave them a tight lipped smile, before leaving the room. On the way up the stairs, I saw a notification on my phone.

456 Chester Avenue, stop by whenever you like.

Very soon.

Smiling, I placed my phone on my bedside table, flipping lazily onto the mattress. Reaching into the draw, I took out my bottle of sleeping pills, anti-anxiety, muscle relaxers, pills and swallowed them all.

All of the bottles were nearly empty, and were in desperate need of a refill. Sighing, I put them all away again. As I was about to settle and let the sleeping pills take effect, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

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