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"Good morning

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"Good morning."

With ears buzzing and eyes squinting, I could just about make out the voice of Kalina, her figure stood beside me as she stared down.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

"It's seems the front door was blown up." She shrugged, offering me her hand and pulling me up off the floor.

Once I was back on my feet, swaying in my spot, Kalina headed to the kitchen as Tommaso, Tristan and Dad all came barrelling into the room.

"Tony? You okay? Where's our door gone?" Tommaso rambled out, eyes wide as he surveyed the room.

"I'm fine." I answered, to which Dad went behind me and checked the back of my head.

"You've got a concussion." Tristan said, pointing to my eyes.

It was then I noticed the red splotches in my vision, no doubt a blood vessel having burst as I hit the floor.

"Get upstairs and in bed, Tommaso watch him." Dad said, giving me another once over before concluding I was semi-okay.

Doing as he said, Tommaso guided me up the stairs and towards my bedroom. Laying down on the black silk sheets, Tommaso sat in the chair by the window, playing on his phone.

"Tony?" Tommaso said after a few moments.

"Yes." I groaned, finally being able to stay awake as I laid in my bed, tv playing quietly in the background.

"Do you ever wonder where Kalina goes?" Lifting my head to face my little brother, I see worry written across his face like a poem.

"With her friends from when she was younger. Why?"

Sighing, Tommaso rose from his seat and moved next to me on the bed. Opening my arms, he cuddled into my side just as he did as a child. Being his only mother figure of sorts, I was person who people would come with their problems to.

"What if these friends are more dangerous than she let's on?" He whispered.

I pondered his question, and the more I did so, the more I understood his reasoning. Kalina seems very at ease with the way life has been so far, the guards every where and mass security teams. Her being unable to read and write is the only thing we've actually been able to pull out of her.

But when that bomb went off...

She seemed completely unfazed. As if this type of thing was familiar to her. Tristan told us she was in juvie for possession of illegal drugs, which she obviously got from somewhere.

"She's hiding something."

After discussing the correct form of attack on my biological family, without killing them, since god knows what sort of foster family I'll be shipped with, we came to an agreement

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After discussing the correct form of attack on my biological family, without killing them, since god knows what sort of foster family I'll be shipped with, we came to an agreement.

The foster family is definitely the reason-

-I'm not starting to like anyone

After Aidan had a delivery shipped to his home by some small Irish bloke, Ace dropped me off down the street. Once I passed the gates, I pretended to take a package from the guard, which really an Angel put there. Then I laid it by the front door, acting as if I was suddenly entranced by a Lamborghini parked in the driveway.

Then I let it blow up...

Although it wasn't planned to hit anyone, there was sure where near enough C4 to kill anyone, therefore Antonio shall be fine.

Not that I give a shit

This whole display was for the security cameras I have taken note of in my two weeks here at the Montessori mansion. Since it was a seemingly innocent act of distraction with the car, and the unsuspecting bomb in the package meant for me, I will be perfectly protected.

In all fairness though I doubt they'd look at the cameras too throughly anyway. It's obvious an Angel would attack them since they did the same the night before. I'm just thankful no one saw me in the club house, or at least registered it was me.

The way Tommaso and Tristan were held from school just as myself means one of them was injured. This had lead me to realise they were the leaders on the attack.

I understand why no one would tell me that my biological family is in the mafia besides my adoptive family. After all, the pain they must have felt when they realised a member of their family had been missing for seventeen years.

They'd do anything to make sure the sweet and innocent little girl they hoped for stays protected.

Sadly I am not that lucky. My life is filled with horror and violence I can never escape from despite it being in the past. All I can do is deal with it...

And embrace it.

A world of pain and anguish is all that was held within my past, and unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to change that. Had I been raised by loving parent(s), able to live and not survive, things would be so much different.

A few minutes later, Tristan and Christopher entered the kitchen, distressed expressions across their faces.

Standing behind the counter, I drank the tea in my hand as the two sat down at the kitchen island. They waited for me to talk with expecting gazes, yet I remained silent.

"Why didn't you come home yesterday?" Christopher finally asked.

Placing down my mug, "I met up with some friends, I ended up staying at their place."

"And which friends are these exactly? The ones who got you thrown in juvie?" Tristan snarled, fury exploding from his facial expression.

"The ones that were there for me when no one else was." I replied, the same weight of venom in my tone.

"Your friends that aban-"

"Tristan." Christopher cut off. "Go cool off somewhere."

Grumbling in Italian beneath his breath, Tristan rose from the barstool and left the room. Christopher's gaze turned back to my own, a sense of sadness in them.

"Kalina..." Christopher began. "I understand that these people are family to you. They were there for you when we weren't, and for that I am grateful. And I would like to thank these people.

They are invited to dinner Saturday evening, please inform them."


"I expect them here Saturday Kalina, otherwise you will not be allowed to see them again."

This bitch did not cut me off-

Dictate to me-

And give me an ultimatum

And give me an ultimatum

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