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The school day came and went in a flash

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The school day came and went in a flash. It consisted of Tristan writing down my work for me, Tommaso doing the same when Tristan wasn't around. Charlie, Hailey, Alessio have spent more time getting to know me. Despite the whole popular people, fuck the world appearance, they're all lovely.

Charlie spent his time explaining lacrosse when I asked what exactly it was. Alessio and I playfully fought each other in the majority of our lessons. And Hailey introduced me to some of her girl friends.

I prefer boys though, they're less bitchy.

Like planned, Stefano picked me up from school, and Tristan and Tommaso headed in the opposite direction to the house.

Stefano was driving in a black Mercedes, and he drove us further into the south side of the city. Just as we approached boarders of the rich and poor part of the city, Stefano pulled into a car park behind a row of buildings.

I followed him out of the car, and he held open a door at the back of a certain building. Inside, was a well laid out, grey and red painted, tattoo parlour. There was already a few people inside, either tattooing, piercing or being a customer.

Stefano took a seat at a chair in the back, one surrounded with ink and guns. He nodded to a chair in the corner of the booth like area, and I took the seat.

An hour passed by, and Stefano had started on a back piece for a twenty something year old woman. He looked up to see the bored expression on my face.

"Go." He told me. "Either be back here by five for one of the boys to bring you home or find your own way back by dinner."

Giving him a small smile in thanks, I jumped up off the chair and made my way through the shop till I left through the front door. I recognised the area, as I passed the shop my first time going to the club house.

Deciding it's time to see my boys again, I continued down the pavement. After a mile or so, the club house was in sight. Picking up the pace a bit, I started jogging towards the building.

There was people working in the garage, and I saw Ace and Jamie spraying each other with the jet washes. I could see Maddie and Aidan inside as well, talking as the fixed up a car someone probably brought in for repair.

"Kal!" Maddie shouted upon seeing me approach.

I ran up to her, hugging her tightly as she did the same with me. She put the beer she was drinking out of on the side, giving me a look.

She's just checking in

"I'm good, you can keep going." I told her, offering a small grin.

After staring at me with analysing eyes for another moment, she picked her drink back up. Aidan stared with curious eyes, but one look from Maddie told him to drop it.

"Kalina!" Ace cheered once he put the jet wash away.

He and Jamie were soaking wet, with water dripping down their foreheads and white shirts see through. I ran up to them and hugged them both, not bothered about getting my clothes wet. The two hugged me back, kissing the top of my head before letting me go.

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