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The door to the cells opened once again, and all of us inmates piled outside and lined up to go into the yard

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The door to the cells opened once again, and all of us inmates piled outside and lined up to go into the yard. Guided through the halls by the guards, we were opened up to the fenced in gardens.

Rose and I immediately went to our spot by the gates, sitting on our wooden bench and watching as the cars drove in and out of the kids prison. The two of us sat there smoking, the guards not caring enough to stop us from doing so.

What caught my attention though, was a large limousine driving through the gates. As the vehicle parked, three large figures emerged.

They were all well over six-foot-tall. The one on the left had sleeves of tattoos which I could tell were there since they carried onto his hands. He was clearly muscled, which was showing despite the all black suit he was wearing. His hair was black and combed back away from his face, eyes a darkened blue.

The other man, slightly smaller and less muscular had far less tattoos, none on his hands or neck. Him being bundled in a large black overcoat like a peaky blinder probably didn't help. His hair was the same dark brown as my own, his eyes matching the tone of his hair.

Finally the last man. Older, taller but a little less muscular than the other two. His hair was salt and peppered, the only wrinkles on his face the crows feet by his eyes that were a familiar light blue. His black beard was well tamed, and the black turtle neck and slacks brought attention to the gold watch and rings he wore.

The three of them looked towards Rosa and I. The moment they set their eyes on me, they halted in their movements. As I blew out a puff of smoke, the youngest looking one snapped out of his trance. The other two slowly followed the youngest inside, still clearly in shock.

"Freaks." Rosa mumbled as she took the cigarette from my fingers and took a drag herself.

"No shit." I chuckled, man spreading on the bench as the autumn of England gave off a breeze of cold air.

The two of us sat there chuckling away as we watched the little kids' eyes darting around the yard, scared they'd get stabbed. It wasn't until we were being guided back to the cells when a guard stopped me in the line.

He talked to the guard leading us, before beckoning me over after calling out my name. When I was in front of him, he turned me around and cuffed my hands, and took me down a different corridor.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I questioned after another turn.

"The warden wants to see you." He grumbled, grabbing my arm more harshly then necessary.

After we left the cell block, the desks of all the office workers in the prison appeared. All of them with computers and printers with papers scattered everywhere.

So they can afford six printers but can't afford juice.

He stopped us walking outside a door, and knocked twice before a soft voice told us to come in. He opened the door and walked me inside.

"Take the cuffs off." A deep, brooding voice spoke.

Turning to the back of the room, I saw the three men who arrived in a limousine. The eldest one -the father- was the one who spoke, his eyes burning the metal around my wrists.

The guard turned to the warden, who nodded her head. He took off the cuffs and left the room at the nod of the warden.

"Montessori, good to see you out of solitary." The warden smiled, her blonde highlights framing her pale face.

"Good to see you divorced finally." I smiled back, noticing a white line where her wedding ring used to be.

She offered me a small smile, since she was aware I knew of her situation. Rising from her desk, she walked around to the front where her sofa was, and patted the cushioned seat for me to join her

Leaning back into the velvet, I took another look at the three men, all of whom were staring intensely at me. Ignoring them, I waited for someone to start speaking.

" Montessori, your mother passed away two days ago." The warden began. When she realised I didn't care, she continued. "As you are seventeen, you're still in need of a legal guardian. This is your father, who has cut down your sentence and is taking you home today."

My head snapped back to the men in the corner, the older one clearly the father she was talking about. The more I looked at the him, the more I noticed our similarities. I had his nose, eyes and curly hair. I've always known I got my curvy figure from my mother, and the brownness of my hair too.

"I've had your things bagged up and ready to go, so you can change into your clothes." The warden said.

Standing up, I left the office and found my bag of clothes on her secretary's desk. Going inside the toilets, I changed out of my navy prison uniform and into my clothes. It was a pair of black bicycle shorts, a long sleeve white crop top, black, white and red racer jacket and a pair of black Nike trainers.

I left the room while placing in my helix hoop, after placing in the other three piercings in each ear. The three men -two men and my father- were in the waiting room as I put in the final piercing; a nose ring.

"Kalina, I just wanted to say-"

"Do you have any food?" I interrupted my father.

The shock was evident on his face, but once he regained his composure, he continued. "We can pick up a McDonald's on the way to the airport."

Nodding my head, I walked out the front door to the police station, hearing their footsteps following behind me. Not long after the three of them were walking in line with me, their giant height over towering my own.

The driver dressed in a suit and tie opened the door to the limousine. The two other men climbed inside, and my father nodded for me to follow them. Once I was sat down on the black leather seats, the door closed and the driver took off out the gates.

I looked through the back window to see the place I've called home for almost a year disappeared behind trees and bushes. Now, I have no idea where I am going.

But, as long as it isn't back there, I'll be fine.

But, as long as it isn't back there, I'll be fine

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