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The three of us piled out of the car, and the two insisted on taking me to reception to get my timetable

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The three of us piled out of the car, and the two insisted on taking me to reception to get my timetable. The lady at the desk was fairly nice, and enjoyed batting her eyelashes at Tristan.

While Tommaso dragged him away from the desk, I glanced down at my classes for the day: History, Maths, English, Engineering, Free period, Biology.

Tristan looked at the paper over my shoulder, then a smirk wiggled it's way onto his face. "We have the same classes. All day!"


"Brilliant." I muttered beneath my breath.

"I've got nothing but Engineering and Biology with you both too." Tommaso said, the usual smile on his face changed into a smirk.

I noticed that both he and Tristan weren't smiling anymore, but smirking. It was like the loving atmosphere Tommaso produced and the caring Tristan emitted was gone. Now they were both stood by my side like overprotective bodyguards.

They guided me through the halls till we arrived at some lockers. On the back of my timetable it had my locker number and code. It just happened to be in between my brothers.

How curious...note the sarcasm.

The bell rang and I went with Tristan to history class. Inside, there was already groups of people there, sat on tables or huddled away in the corner.

"Tris!" Someone yelled.

Tristan made his way to the back of the classroom, where two people were. The girl, she had long black dreadlocks with dark brown skin. Her eyes were a light brown, and her eyelashes long and thick. She wore a short sleeve sweetheart neckline shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. She was fairly tall, around five-foot-nine and had a thick figure like myself.

And a boy, with insane height (six-foot-six) and a fair amount of muscle. His brown hair cut down to only a few centimetres long, his eyes a dark green. He was wearing a black leather jacket, with a grey shirt and jeans.

"Who's the pretty little lady?" He cheekily grinned, walking towards me after bro-hugging Tristan.

"Call me little or a lady again and I cut your tongue out and make you eat it." I glared, a sadistic smile on my face.

While he stood there stunned, and the girl clearly taken back, Tristan chuckled. Reaching out, he pulled me closer to him with a proud grin.

"This is the little sister I've been telling you all so much about." He answered.

"Kalina." I replied, shaking the girl's outstretched hand.

"Well that explains the threat." The girl brought me into a hug. "I'm Hailey, and you are way too gorgeous to be related to that thing."

She motioned to Tristan, who was freely glaring at her.

"That's Charlie, we tend to ignore him." Now it was the other boy's turn to freely glare at her.

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