Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Jughead: With terrible aim.

Archie: Jughead, he murder Ms. Grundy.

Betty: Arch, we don't know that these three crimes are related.

Scott: Do we?

Veronica: Guys, can we focus on what matters here?
Midge and Moose are alive.Archie's dad survived.
The new season of The Matchlerette starts tonight. You're all coming over to watch.

Jughead: There's a shooter terrorizing the town. You really want us to watch a gross reality dating show?

Veronica: What I really want is for you guys to meet my dad officially. Back in New York, my dad was always in his study, doing very bad things, as it turns out. I'm tired of closed doors. I need to know my dad's life and he needs to know mine.

Betty: Well, we'll be there, V. Can't wait.

Veronica: Thank you.

   As the five friends continue to talk. Suddenly, Reggie  Mantle appears in the doorway looking for Archie.

Reggie: Hey, Andrews, we're going to the hospital to see Moose. You coming?

Archie: Yeah, for sure. I'll see you guys, tonight.

Jughead: We better go. We were supposed to meet my peer mentor at Southside High half an hour ago.

Scott: Aw, Damn.

As Scott gets up and walks into the hallway he's then stopped, by Veronica.

Veronica: Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean going there?

Scott: Veronica, trust me, I'll be fine. I'm tougher than I look, remember. I'll take care of myself.

Veronica: Text me when you get there, ok?

Scott: I promise.

   Scott and Veronica lean in for a short kiss, before Scott breaks away and leaves Riverdale high and enters the dangerous wilderness, of Southside High.
                   - - - - SOUTHSIDE HIGH - - - -
Later that same day Scott and Jughead arrive at Southside high. Before they can start the school day, the boys have to go through a medal detector. Scott was able to make it through but Jughead is have a bit trouble.

Jughead: It's the pins on my hat.

School Officer: Take then off and go again.

As Jughead goes through the medal detector and Scott begins grabbing his stuff. A pink-haired Native American girl walks up to the two boys and take a quick picture of them.

???: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III and Scott Wilson

Jughead: Uh... it's Jughead, actually.

Scott: And you are?

Toni Topaz: I'm Toni Topaz. I was supposed to give you two the full animatronic tour of Southside High, but some of the robots went insane and started killing the guests, so, we'll just wing it.

As Toni walks away Scott and Jughead share a glance at each other. Jughead gives a slight chuckle while Scott rolls his eyes.

Toni: The classrooms don't have Wi-Fi, the bathroom stalls don't have doors.

Jughead: What about the school paper The Red and Black?

Toni: Yeah, it no longer exists. Censorship? Budget cuts? Take your pick.

As the three walk in the hallways, they turn a corner to see a Mexican girl, with a cigarette hanging from her mouth, grabbing books from her locker.

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