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The next morning, Cat Noir has been thinking about her while climbing the tree to grab fruits to eat. He really wanted to know where his kind belongs but he knew he won't fit in due to being raised by panthers all his life.

"I wonder if there's more than her and me," He thought while climbing.

He found bananas and used his spear to grab them. He caught one falling, peeled the skin down, and ate it. Then swings from vine to vine as he jumped to the next tree, using his claw knuckledusters to climb. He got to a thick tree branch to swing to the next one.

"Look out!" Ladybug came and they both crashed into each other, falling to their near death but the vines saved them from their fall. Swinging from side to side until the momentum slows down.

"Well, hey there. Nice of you to drop in" Cat Noir smiled.

"Hanging around in the jungle, kitty cat?" Ladybug teased.

"I always land on my feet, bugaboo" Cat Noir lands on all fours.

"Of course" Ladybug chuckled.

"For a girl with leopard clothes, you seem less feline," Cat Noir said and picks up his spear.

"Well, I wanted to feel more like a bug," Ladybug said.

"Whatever you say, Ladybug" Cat Noir shrugs.

"Anyways, I'm just hunting like a leopard. It's all about survival" Ladybug picks up her bow and arrows.

"Exactly like me," Cat Noir said.

"Except I don't wear a mask," Ladybug said.

"I see. Well let's go patrolling this jungle" Cat Noir said.

"Patrol? Us together?" Ladybug raised a brow.

"Yeah, to see if there's more of us out there," Cat Noir said.

"I hope" Ladybug ran on the tree branches and jumped to the next ones.

Cat Noir followed her too, wanting to see how she hunts in her own way. He saw her pull the bow and targets a bird.

"Whoa, whoa. You're not gonna kill a bird?" Cat Noir asked.

"Maybe a bigger prey" She switches target.

She soon targets at a bongo and fires the arrow but it missed and the bongo ran off frightened.

"Crap! I missed it!" Ladybug said.

"Better luck next time," Cat Noir said.

"It probably saw me" Ladybug sighed.

"Come with me. Let me show you how I hunt" Cat Noir climbs down the tree and went to find mud.

"What the..." Ladybug saw him covering himself with mud.

"Mud helps hide my body temperature, my scent, and helps blend in like camouflage" Cat Noir explained.

"Good idea" Ladybug started to do the same.

"Watch the master and learn" Cat Noir blends in the ground.

"Got it, Kitty" Ladybug nodded.

They sneaked up to a different group of antelopes. Cat Noir made sure not to make a sound because these animals have great hearing, especially their awareness. He held his spear and threw it at the big one in the ribs. The other antelopes got frightened as the big one got hit. Ladybug fired an arrow to finish the job. The animal dies and lumps on the ground.

"Good shot, Bugaboo" Cat Noir said.

"Thanks, Kitty Cat" Ladybug replied.

"I got to try that" Cat Noir said and goes to get their prey.

Removing the spear and used his claw knuckledusters to cut the belly to get the chunks of meat. He also tossed away some innards from the carcass.

"I have never seen a male hunt like that" Ladybug gathers wood and leaves to make a fire camp.

"I learned from the best" Cat Noir said.

"I see. Well so did I," Ladybug said.

"I wish we knew what animal we are. Plagg thinks I'm still too young to understand the truth" Cat Noir used a stick for the meat to cook.

"Me too. There has to be more of us" Ladybug said.

"Traveling deep in the jungle is dangerous, Bugaboo. We are not at the top of the food chain" Cat Noir said while cooking meat on the fire.

"Nope, leopards and crocodiles are" Ladybug replied.

"Well, I've always stayed away from the croc rivers," Cat Noir said.

"Me too. I've seen their bite is very ugly" Ladybug ate her cooked meat.

"I always fight ugly things," Cat Noir said.

"So do I Kitty," Ladybug said.


After having their meal, they head back to the place where Plagg and Tikki hang out.

"Hey, you two." Cat Noir said.

"My cub. I see you've been hanging out" Plagg said.

"Yup, Ladybug showed how she hunts," Cat Noir said.

"And he showed by covering in the mud" Ladybug said.

"Interesting" Tikki replied.

"Plagg, I know I'm young but I really need to know what animal I am. I just met one" Cat Noir said.

"Very well. Sit down and I'll explain" Plagg gave in.

Cat Noir and Ladybug sat down on a log as Plagg started, "You two are the same species most animals fear around here, the human species"

"Human?" They both said.

"They are in ways similar to the apes only standing on two legs. I've seen some before I found you Cat Noir but they looked different" Plagg said.

"So we are the only humans in the jungle?" Ladybug asked.

"I'm afraid so. And you are raised as wild humans" Plagg said.

"With feline traits" Ladybug added.

"Indeed. I couldn't let my little cub die as a baby. I had to let him live so he could have a life" Plagg said.

"So did I with my own" Tikki said.

"So now we know. Ladybug and I are humans" Cat Noir said.

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