The Hidden Portal

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The normal nuzzling I would wake up to arrived again.

A groan escaped my maw as I tightly shut my eyes, not wanting to see the new day's light yet "come on, Alina," a familiar voice clicked in my ear as his scaled snout nuzzled my cheek. I growled lowly in response. "You gotta wake up," he said back calmly.

In the end, I was not too fond of his pestering and sighed, opening my eyes and getting the sun's harsh rays. I growled but steered my eyes away from the stinging star. Blue suddenly purred as he pressed against me, and I jumped a bit, not expecting this kind of contact.

"You seemed sad ever since you came home yesterday," he observed as he rubbed his snout against my colored bone pleasantly. It helped my heart calm down. Should I tell him? I thought, well, it's better telling him than leaving him hanging, don't you think?" My mind sighed sadly, and the picture of Ripper crossed my mind leaving me with stinging eyes.

"Yes, I'm sad," I admitted to the grey raptor, who stopped rubbing against me to look up at my face. "pray to tell," he said in a friendly and comforting tone. How can he have this effect on me? Only one did have this or still has.

I took a deep breath fighting back the tears that wanted to fall "y'know, Ripper and I went to Palo Alto to do some of his unfinished business?" Blue nodded "we did and took out some InGen soldiers, but that was it. When we came to where Mr. Wu was hiding, something attacked ys..." I shuddered at the thought of the indominus's familiar red eyes and how they went cold when his life left him.

I will never forgive myself for that I killed another dinosaur.


I was wandering in the damp forest alone.

I had told Blue I needed a break from it all, and he understood, letting me go and explore our forest a little. That's when I came across it, hidden underneath the shadow of fir trees shining like a pulsating heart. In front of it ran a small ravine dotted with small boulders and bushes. It seemed like a forgotten portal, probably one of what I've heard pops up for the worthy ones.

They can bring you to your destiny, or your doom depends on the type. At least that's what my freind Elder Darkworrier an old librarian. She knew a lot about our history and land and how it came into being too. She had been my and many other dragonets' teacher on the subject of history. I've always been interested in it; I don't know why.

My nares twitched, taking in the scent of magic soft and vibrating in the air like there was something behind that portal. Often it should be, but you could never know. I stepped closer cautiously, hearing nothing but the summing of magic.

Ultimately, I decided that the portal would be safe for me to go into. But should I? I asked myself, Well, yes, I believe you should, Alina. But who knows, tomorrow it might be gone.

But what of Blue? I answered He'll be fine. Hasn't he been alone on the island for so long? She had a point. If there was anyone who could take care of himself, it was Blue. So with a heavy sigh, I stepped one claw at a time into the glowing blue portal and all faded to bright blinding light.


The light dimmed and in front of me was an unknown world.

The scents of a familiar kind whispered in the air,  grass,s, and the aura of the place I had now entered. I quickly looked behind me to see the portal fading from view. My heart beat faster, but somehow I knew it was a safe world. For dragons, at least. That's when I heard the sound of a stick breaking. The air filled with an unknown musk, making me bare my teeth. But they recognized it to be draconian. But still, I was alert now, not knowing if this dragon would be a threat or not. Then, from the shadows of the dense forest came something black crawling. It was smaller than me, standing at least 26 feet from the ground. 

Two green emerald eyes blinked back at me. He titled his head with wonder shining in those green depths, and I felt his aura; it was not dangerous. I stopped growling like a hostile dragon and lowered my head to be at his level "who are you?" he clicked first after what felt like an eternity of staring at me. I breathed out the steam of my nares and dipped my head "my name is Alina" the small, sturdy black dragon nodded and smiled a toothless smile making me tilt my head. "I'm Toothless!" he chirped, seemingly overexcited for a dragon. "you gotta meet my rider, Hiccup! You would love him. "Ii raised my brows but ruffled my wings and nodded.

"lead me to him then, Toothless" the male nodded cheerily and bounded off back into the dense forest, making me trot after him. he was pretty fast for such a small dragon, but I had no trouble keeping up with him. Soon the forest parted for us, revealing a bustling mountainside where the houses of two legs were placed. I growled under my breath, making Toothless look at me "oh, don't worry, they won't hurt you. "I gave him to agree, "it's not m;e I am worried about Toothless. They're humans, and I dont have a good experience with them" Toothless's mouth formed an 'o' before he shrugged it off. 

"if you dont want to go inside the village, I can always go and get Hiccup instead; I gave him a grateful look and backed into the cover of the forest, vanishing at once. "hey!" Toothless yelped, bounding over "where did you go?" Ii chuckled and materialized again or and stepped into the soft sun "dont worry was not vanishing. it's just my hide that makes me invisible." Toothless tilted his head but shrugged and smiled that toothless smile again. 

"Alright! well, better go and fetch Hiccup! You stay here!" He was, leaving me to ponder what just had happened and what was about to come. 

Toothless seems like a friendly dragon, I thought and smiled briefly. Yes, indeed he does; my mind agreed softly and lay down on the mossy foot of a tree, my blue eyes standing out against the darkness surveying the village. I could see how big it was and how many dragons there were. Some had humans on their backs which were absurd and downright unnatural. But who was I to complain about their ways? 

no one im afraid. 

~ ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ ~

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