I Cry for You

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Ripper fled from the besieged mansion, escaping what could have been his final moments. But for his heart, it already was. During his brief time in that cage, or at least alongside that magnificent beast, he had developed a peculiar attachment to the mythical creature. Even though her dark hide bore the stains of her own blood, he found her to be undeniably beautiful.

Ripper had been raised in an environment that labeled him a monster, a creature devoid of love and destined for a singular purpose: to kill. And kill he did, once he broke free from the confines of his captivity. He unleashed his pent-up anger in a frenzied rampage, fueled by the pain that had gnawed at his heart. But when the great black beast Alina fell, weakened by her wounds and blood loss, Ripper's heart flared with a strange emotion, one he couldn't quite comprehend.

When he saw her again on that rooftop, his heart, previously aflame with anger, cooled, and a glimmer of hope took its place. He dared to imagine that there might be something more between them. But then she leaped past him, landing in front of those fleshy beings known as humans. At first, Ripper couldn't fathom her actions, but the truth soon dawned on him, and his heart tightened.

"Betrayed by my kind," his mind hissed as he dashed through the foliage, his destination unknown, as long as it was far from humans and the place where his heart had shattered and withered.

Twice. What had he done to deserve such heartbreak? Ripper pondered bitterly. We were born this way, a voice chimed in his mind. Because humans made us out to be monsters, he concluded. We were never meant to be loved; we were simply tools to be wielded for their purposes, to kill.

Shaking his head, Ripper came to a stop, lifting his snout to sniff the air, ensuring he didn't unwittingly intrude into another carnivore's territory. That was the last thing he needed at the moment.

Eventually, he found a secluded spot where he could rest his weary body. He slumped to the ground, closed his red eyes, and let the sorrow he had locked away for so long surge forth. "Because we're meant to be monsters," he whispered, and tears fell from his eyes. Ripper wept, for he had lost not only his potential love but also the hope for a world where he might be more than just a weapon.


Blue had come to a halt for the night, wearied from his ceaseless flight. He was finally free, with all the time in the world, yet a heavy weight bore down on his heart, a burden he couldn't quite comprehend. The night brought no rest for him, as he was plagued by strange nightmares of the great black beast.

In his dream, Blue ran endlessly through a field consumed by flames, the inferno stretching on without end. Suddenly, he skidded to a stop when a colossal figure loomed before him. Gasping for breath as smoke filled his nostrils, he coughed violently. "You could have saved me!" hissed the beast, lowering its head toward him. Only then could he discern that the creature was Ripper. He growled down at Blue, snapping his jaws menacingly to signify his intent to kill. "You left me!!"

As Blue attempted to offer a defense, Ripper's jaws clamped down, and everything faded to black.

Startled, Blue awoke, panting like a dog in the throes of labor. His eyes darted wildly around before he managed to steady his breathing. It had all been a nightmare, he assured himself. Gradually, Blue's breath returned to a normal rhythm, and he let out a sigh, gazing up at the night sky, ablaze with millions of stars. He recalled something his sister Delta had once told him, back when their pack was thriving under their alpha's leadership.

"Blue?" Delta had queried, and the blue-striped raptor had emitted a low hum, turning his yellow eyes to his younger sister. She offered him a small smile and directed her gaze to the stars above their enclosure. Blue followed her line of sight and smiled as well. "You know, those stars are the ancient kings and queens of our past. I... I'm not sure where I heard that, though. Brother?" Blue hummed once more, turning his head to affectionately nuzzle her. "Thank you, Delta. I'll always remember that."

They had soon drifted off to sleep beneath the stars, surrounded by their younger siblings.

Blue sighed at the tender memory and whispered, "I will always remember you, sister." As drowsiness washed over him, he laid his head down upon the soft earth beneath his paws and drifted into slumber once more.


Ripper's red-trimmed eyes welled up with tears as he watched his dear friend's lifeless body. She lay there, utterly still, a cruel reminder of his own helplessness. "Yes, there was," a haunting voice hissed, and Ripper spun around to confront a sight more terrifying than any he had ever known. A shadowy entity slithered towards him, jaws agape, and blood dripping from its serrated fangs. "You could have saved her... you coward," it hissed, inching closer. Ripper recoiled from the grotesque phantom, his long obsidian tail coiling anxiously around his hind legs. "You could have... taken her place... endured the agony... you're a murderer!"

"No!" Ripper cried out, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. But the shadow persisted, its amorphous form now twisted into a sadistic grin. "You were only out for the kill, for the taste of human flesh!" Ripper shook his head, desperately denying the dreadful truth. His fury and desire for revenge had led him to a point of no return, targeting insignificant humans, with his friend paying the ultimate price. The shadow grinned once more, unfurling its slick tongue in a sinister display. "You'll make a swift meal... punishment for failing your... friend." And then everything descended into darkness.

Ripper lay there in silence, reflecting upon the torment of his nightmare. Dreams often held a grain of truth, a foreshadowing or a revelation. But what was the essence of a monster? Finally, he inhaled a quivering breath and closed his eyes, letting silver tears flow down his battered visage.

The shadow spoke the painful truth. He was a murderer.

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