Call of the Storm

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The morning light spilled over the landscape, casting a gentle glow across the land, and as the new day began, I found myself in a slightly improved state. Stretching my dark wings wide, I released a long, tired yawn that echoed through the cavern. Ripper stirred beside me, and soon his alert, slitted eyes blinked up at me through the heavy veil of sleep. Not far away, Blue, the majestic companion who had walked this path with us, was also roused from his dreams.

However, with the dawn came an unbidden pang of sadness, a heaviness that gripped my heart. I let out a weary sigh, and both the noble creatures sensed the shift in my mood. Without hesitation, they pressed their snouts into my scaled hide, seeking to provide comfort and solace. It was as if they understood my unspoken sorrow. "Guys, I'm sorry," I murmured, my voice breaking with emotion, but they didn't relent. They answered with flicks of their tails, a language known only to them, and it spoke volumes. In their own way, it meant, 'Stay quiet,' so I obeyed their unspoken command and allowed them to nuzzle and cuddle me.

After several moments, Blue reluctantly pulled away, his luminous eyes searching mine. He glanced back at Ripper, who still lay entwined in my scales. I sighed and reached down, taking Ripper by the scruff with my massive paw. "Guys, I need to leave soon," I confessed abruptly, and the two dragons shot me reproachful glances for my directness.

"What did we tell you about words, Alina? We're aware that you'll have to depart," Blue replied in his gravelly voice, irritation tinging his words as he flicked his tail restlessly. I sighed and averted my gaze, my wings drooping. The burden of impending farewells weighed heavily on me. "Blue is right. Alina, we only wish the best for you, but you need to focus on the present for now. Yes, you will leave us soon, but let's make the most of the day before us," Ripper purred in his deep, rumbling voice. I took a moment to absorb their wisdom, acknowledging the truth in their words. I couldn't afford to be perpetually despondent; my mood had a ripple effect on these loyal friends who shared my journey. Moreover, the thought of reuniting with my friends and family back home tugged at my heartstrings. The longing for their embrace had grown unbearable. "Alright," I said, determination igniting within me as I rose to my feet. "Let's venture out and explore a bit or perhaps hunt." The two perked up at the prospect, racing towards the cave's entrance with excitement in their every step. I snorted softly, aware that the two formidable creatures could easily fend for themselves. After all, they were dinosaurs.

"Come!" Blue chirped with childlike enthusiasm as he bounded out, and Ripper followed, with me right behind. For the rest of the day, from morning until the setting sun bathed the world in warm hues, we played, laughed, and reveled in the moments we had left together. Yet, the shadow of impending goodbyes loomed in the recesses of my mind, reminding me that difficult partings awaited. Nevertheless, it was a path I had to walk if I wanted to return to my family.


With a heavy sigh, I reached behind me and retrieved a silver sphere made of a radiant blue crystal. Both Ripper and Blue gazed at this precious object in awe as I gingerly handed it to them. "This is so you can always remember me, no matter what," I said with a melancholic smile. Blue's curiosity got the best of him, and he inquired, "What is it made of?" I sniffled slightly before responding, "Dragon tears and my fire." Ripper, on the other hand, sported wide-eyed astonishment. "Why would you cry into this?!" he exclaimed, unable to comprehend. I held back a laugh, responding, "Don't worry, Ripper. These aren't tears of sadness; they're tears of joy."

I then snapped my fingers, and two more objects appeared in my hands. One was crafted from pure ruby, the other from ember for Blue. I extended them toward the two dinosaurs to accept, my gaze shifting to the backdrop of the setting sun. Time was running out. "You didn't have to make all this for us," Ripper croaked, his voice heavy with gratitude. I shook my head and reached out to stroke his skull with a gentle claw. "It's okay, my dear. I would do anything for you two," I reassured them. The two reciprocated with a bittersweet smile.

A lingering feeling told me it was time to depart. Turning away from them, I glanced back over my shoulder before spreading my wings. "Remember me," I whispered before leaping into the air, soaring away from the world of dinosaurs.

I did not look back, fearing the sting of tears in my eyes would obscure my vision. However, I knew that I would sometimes return now that I had discovered the way to get back home.

Sighing, I opened my mouth and unleashed an earth-shaking roar. The universe responded with a gleaming, swirling portal, and without hesitation, I flew through it, returning to my world. The air here felt different, cooler than what I had grown accustomed to. A joyful smile graced my lips as I caught sight of the familiar mountain range stretching across my land, its snowy peaks illuminated by the waning sun.

Suddenly, a distant roar reached my ears, prompting me to tilt my head toward the sound. It emanated from a solitary mountain located on another island we called "Ohm," home to our fire dragons and those who preferred the fiery depths to the towering peaks. My eyes flicked to my own abode, grappling with an internal conflict. The allure of the familiar snow under my talons had to wait, at least until I had investigated the situation. I adjusted my wings, aligning them with the prevailing air currents, and set off for the island.

The closer I approached, the more potent the scent in the air. The distinct fragrance of death, magic, and fire lingered, raising concerns. What had occurred here, I wondered, as I passed over the Giants' Pass and directed my flight toward the forested area known as "Jordyn." According to the stories passed down by my grandmother, it was a realm known for being the domain of mighty werewolves, much like our own Wolf Forest. Verdant greenery came into view below, and I carefully folded my wings, beginning a descent.

I hoped the entity in trouble would fare well by the time I arrived. Little did I know what awaited me in the heart of Jordyn's woods.

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