I Search a Lone Star

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The following day dawned slowly, an incursion of light that pushed the veils of night aside, yielding to the relentless advance of the sun. It cast its radiant beams upon the world beneath, painting the land with a golden hue.

I awoke as the sun's gentle caress touched my dark scales, stirring me from slumber. I yawned deeply, the rumble emanating from my chest vibrating through the ground. Nestled beside me, I felt a slight stirring and cast my gaze downward to find a tenebrous figure curled against my belly. Ripper. A warm smile graced my lips, and I purred softly as I nuzzled him awake. "Huh?" He mumbled groggily, blinking up at me. Our obsidian forms pressed against each other. "It's time to embrace the new day, Ripper. You can hunt, and I'll go check on that blue striped raptor to ensure he's okay." Ripper grumbled at the mention of the raptor but nodded in understanding. I smiled once more.

With a graceful motion, I rose from my reclined position and stretched my tired body until joints cracked and popped. My magnificent wings unfurled on either side. Offering a final glance toward Ripper, I whispered, "I'll be back." Then, I took to the sky, soaring toward the radiant horizon.

It didn't take long for me to locate Blue, who was resting near a watering hole. He was the sole living presence, aside from the chorus of frogs and the buzzing of insects. I landed as quietly as my massive frame allowed, approaching the raptor and dipping my maw into the cool water. Initially, Blue paid me no mind, but a ripple passed over his snout, and a frown creased his features. That's when he turned to face me. I observed his reaction from the corner of my eye but made no overt acknowledgment. Internally, I reveled in delight, and my tail betrayed my true feelings despite the facade. Blue remained silent and motionless, but his confusion and happiness were palpable.

As the tension mounted, I finally lifted my head, water dripping from my maw like glistening diamonds. I turned to meet Blue's yellow eyes and greeted him with a warm smile. "Hey," I clicked. Blue couldn't hide his smile, and he lowered his head, prompting me to raise an eyebrow. "Why are you bowing, raptor?" I asked, turning to fully face him. Blue inclined his head upwards from his submissive posture and smiled.

"You've returned from the dead, making you a saint, my friend," he said. I scoffed, exhaling a plume of smoke from my nostrils. "I'm no saint, raptor. I'm just a regular dragon from the kingdom of No Man's Land." Blue shook his head and chuckled. "Forget it. I'm more interested in why you sought me out. The Indoraptor was the one who was closest to you." I hummed and settled my wings before sitting down, coiling my long black tail around my front talons. Blue cocked his head, his tail twitching with curiosity.

"Did I say something wrong?" he growled with concern, and I quickly shook my head. "No, no! I... I just wanted to get to know you better. And if you're worried about Ripper, don't be, because I've already visited him. I don't think the two of you will be at odds anymore." Blue nodded and tapped his toe claw, glancing away. I sighed and stood up, nuzzling him. "If you ever want to hang out, just follow my scent or call out, and I'll come." With that, I took to the air, leaving Blue behind, and headed back to Ripper.


The undeniable truth was that I needed to return home, though the question remained how to accomplish this feat. It had been a matter of weeks, or so it felt, since the tumultuous incident at the Lockwood mansion had catapulted me into this strange land I had come to know as the Jurassic world. During this time, neither I nor the indoraptor, affectionately known as Blue, had crossed paths with the two-legged creatures who roamed this prehistoric realm, despite the perilous proximity of such encounters. I had undertaken the role of the primary hunter, harnessing my strength and skill to tackle larger prey than the raptors. Yet, like a seed sown in the depths of my heart, homesickness had taken root, its eventual bloom an inevitability that would sever my ties with my newfound companions. I was determined to spare them the burden of my departure, but it appeared that the inevitable was to unfold sooner than I'd hoped.

Days melded into months in my thoughts, even though, in reality, they were mere hours. Ripper and Blue had taken charge of the hunting, for my body had grown increasingly recalcitrant, closing itself off to sustenance. I had to muster the will to eat, understanding the consequences of failing to do so. The two dromaeosaurids had begun to fret over my condition, and the first to voice his concern was Blue.

It happened on a day when I lay dormant, as Blue returned from a hunt, his kill hanging from his jaws, blood dripping onto the untrodden ground. As was customary, he placed the offering before me, where the stone was already stained with the dried remnants of previous meals that day. "Alina?" he clicked to me, signaling his presence. I groaned but reluctantly opened my eyes and met his gaze before shifting my attention to the meal. My snout twitched with distaste, not for the food itself, but for the effort it required to raise my head. I blinked at Blue, who nudged the carcass closer to me.

In response, I blinked back at him.

We exchanged prolonged gazes before I eventually succumbed to the relentless pull of hunger. Bowing my head, I bit into the meat, the warm blood coating my tongue and the crunch of sinew and bone a welcome sensation. It had once been a pleasure to eat, but now it was more of a necessity. Blue smiled, moved aside to give me space, and curled up in a nest of leaves. Nearby, water was available in a tree-hollow bowl Ripper had unearthed at the long-abandoned mansion. While we rarely ventured there, we procured supplies from the remnants of the human world when the need arose.

Speaking of that enigmatic obsidian dinosaur, he arrived moments later, a fresh kill dangling from his jaws. He set it down beside the previous offering, where we partook in our communal feasts. I had finished my meal a few moments earlier. I smiled, extended my neck to reach the water bowl, and began to drink. "Alina?" Blue's voice emanated from his nest, drawing my attention. I hummed and looked at him. "Why aren't you as active as before? It concerns me," he rumbled, prompting me to halt my drinking. Should I divulge my homesickness to them? Would it render me a weak link among this group? "No, you would not," my inner voice reassured me. "They love you and will not abandon you because you miss home." With a sigh, I lifted my head and gazed at both of them.

"I... I miss my home. As you've discerned, I don't belong here. In fact, I'm not even from this world. I hail from a realm where wolves, humans, giants, and countless other magical beings coexist, not always harmoniously, but we share a belief in a single creator. Or at least, us dragons do." The two dinosaurs listened intently, and my resolve strengthened. "You see, that's where I belong, not here. I miss my family and friends." Ripper laid a comforting claw on my elbow, prompting me to meet his gaze. Soon after, I heard rustling, and Blue approached as well.

"Do not worry, for we won't judge you, Alina. It's okay to feel homesick. We all do," Ripper affirmed, nodding and offering an assuring smile. "We'll understand if you decide to go home, and we won't hold you back. Although our hearts will be heavy, we'll take solace in knowing that you're where you belong." The indoraptor nuzzled me, and Blue followed suit. I smiled at them and extended my wings, enveloping them both in a draconic embrace. "I love you guys," I purred, and if my eyes had been open, I would have noticed the ruby-colored blushes on their cheeks. "We love you too," they purred in return, and we all soon drifted off to sleep, cradled in each other's warmth.

I couldn't help but wonder if my homeworld would be as accepting and welcoming as these two remarkable beings. For now, I remained a lost star on the horizon, yearning to find my way back home.

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