Of Hell He Was Made, of Claws Shall She Fall

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It was as if ice-cold claws encircled my heart, dear reader. The sensation was akin to a dagger, thrust deep into the very core of my heart stone. I swallowed hard, my tail twitching to maintain my balance on the slippery glass plates safeguarding the museum beneath my mighty talons. Now, you may wonder why I was filled with such dread, but allow me to elucidate. This sensation courses through you when you witness a dear friend engaging in actions they ought not to.

And I, I held the power to intervene. I was aware of that. But how?

I beseech you to journey with me, for I have faced numerous betrayals throughout my existence, ranging from subtle deceptions to monumental treacheries. And this, my friend, was one of the grand betrayals. I had begun to place my trust in Ripper, and I, who harbored a profound aversion for humans, was now compelled to ponder their role in this matter. The man who had saved Ripper and me from being traded as commodities; was this his true reward?

I almost emitted a snort.

No, this could not be the reward I would bestow upon him. Hence, I growled towards the dark reptilian figure a few paces away. The roof barely bore my weight, but it held steadfast. Ripper spun around, his eyes widened in astonishment. "ALINA?!" he hissed, parting his jaws in disbelief. I sighed and unfurled my wings, their immense expanse a testament to my grandeur. The humans standing before the dark behemoth whimpered and stared, much as they did at the other dinosaur relics. Yet, I was no relic, nor would I ever be.

"Hey," a male voice spoke beside me, and I felt warmth against the tip of my wing. I growled, all the while keeping my gaze locked on Ripper, who wore a snarl upon his maw, his crimson-trimmed eyes darting between me and the other presence beside me. We maintained our silent vigil, an unspoken understanding between us. However, I could bear it no longer, and I leapt into the air, the silent breeze buoying me over Ripper, who tracked my movement with his watchful gaze.

I alighted on the opposite side of his protective wings, creating a barrier between the two humans and my friend. He stood between me and a grey-scaled raptor adorned with a striking blue metallic stripe down his flank. My nostrils flared, inhaling the sweet fragrance of fear and blood. My pupils dilated, an ancient primal instinct awakening, but I knew I had to exercise restraint.

I refrained from attacking Ripper, though I cannot say the same for the other raptor. In the blink of an eye, he pounced upon Ripper, causing the fragile glass beneath their ferocious struggle to splinter. My eyes widened in apprehension, for I foresaw the impending calamity.

My thoughts raced like a tempest, and I roared in terror, launching myself into the fray. I pushed the two warring dinosaurs away from their perilous precipice, inadvertently offering myself in their stead.


Ripper's jaws fell agape, a silent gasp escaping from his throat.

She had taken it upon herself. Alina had given her life for me.

The mere notion sent a chill down the spine of the Indoraptor, and his tail drooped to the ground. Beside him, Blue mirrored his reaction. The humans, too, were struck by the sacrificial act. "She-she pushed them away..." Maisie stammered. Owen swallowed hard, his gaze fixed on the majestic creature beneath him. Her once pristine black hide was marred by the crimson hue of her dragonic blood.

She had done this for his raptor and the Indoraptor.

The scent of pure dragonic blood filled the air, a scent that was now oddly delicate and sweet, reminiscent of roses. Blue flared his nostrils, tapping his toe claw on the hardwood floor, his eyes darting toward the foe. But Ripper did not turn to look. His red eyes remained fixed on his friend's life slipping away before him. Suddenly, something stirred within him, and he pivoted to meet the yellow irises of Blue. "You..." he began, his voice dripping with anger and restraint. The black beast drew in a sharp breath, his claws curling into fists. However, he said no more and bolted. Blue arched one scaly brow before snorting and glancing up to where his alpha and mate had stood moments ago. But they were gone, and with a sigh, he gave one final look to the fallen dragon before following Ripper out of the estate.

Owen and Claire, accompanied by their newly adopted child, emerged from the mansion and descended the grand staircase. They gazed upon the backyard, now ravaged by the freed dinosaurs. Time seemed to have halted, frozen on the fragile rooftop. It appeared as if it might never flow again as it once did. A familiar chirp echoed through the air, capturing Owen's attention. He looked up to see Blue tilting his head towards his former alpha. Blue swished his tail and directed his gaze at Owen, who assured his mate and hatchling that Blue meant no harm. And he was right.

The raptor would not harm his alpha. "Come with us, Blue," Owen implored, reaching out his hand toward his former charge. However, the raptor clicked softly and flared his nostrils, indicating he had no desire to be confined in a cage once more. He had endured enough of that in his life. "No," he clicked sadly, and Owen sighed, his heart heavy, but he respected his friend's choice. He withdrew his hand, allowing Blue to nuzzle his former owner. And so, they exchanged a few more moments of silent communication before Blue dashed away.

As the raptor sprinted into the distance, a multitude of thoughts raced through his mind. Would the Indoraptor and he continue to fight for their freedom, or could they find a way to coexist peacefully? Ripper had appeared to know that dragon-like creature and held a deep care for her. When he had brushed her wing, she had radiated an unusual warmth, far beyond that of any ordinary creature. What was she? What had she been? Such questions swirled within his mind as he ventured deeper into the forest, leaving behind the vacation setting. He would have been content if he had only asked the dragon for her name and nature, but that opportunity had long passed.

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, within the museum, a magnificent creature's remains lay upon a skull, the descendant of a goddess said to have birthed the world. I could no longer consider this place my home. Would I ever return home? All I felt was pain, but I knew this was not the end. He had to endure, for the sake of my family and friends, for all of my friends.

And thus, I opened my eyes.

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