The She Wolf

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The next day, I was jolted from slumber by the intrusive presence of the self-proclaimed Alpha, Lauzoril. My claws instinctively dug into the earth in response to his audacity. "Awaken, darling. If my mate wishes to meet you, then she shall," he purred with unsettling allure, making my stomach churn.

"Dare you?!" I bellowed, rising abruptly and locking my gaze with the Alpha's iridescent eyes. "To speak to a female in such a manner while your own awaits? You sicken me, Lauzoril." He growled, and his eyes began to glow a fierce yellow, the same ominous voice from our initial encounter invading my thoughts.

"You remain ignorant of my disloyalty, but it is of no consequence. She is but a means for my pleasure," he said, as I struggled against his mental influence. Eventually, Lauzoril smirked and turned away, releasing his hold over my mind, and I exhaled in relief. "Follow me," he ordered, leaving no room for dispute. And so, I complied, though not without a reminder of my predicament – emerald ropes bound me to a tree trunk, ensuring I couldn't flee. I sighed and began to nibble at the bindings, but halted as the sound of rustling leaves caught my attention.

"Save your strength, drake," a familiar voice spoke, and I turned to find Lauzoril's brother, still an enigma to me. His eyes were a hue of golden brown, much like his brother's, but lacked the eerie, luminous glow. Then, to my astonishment, he did something unexpected. He brought his jaws close to the rope on my front left leg and, despite my warning growls, began to gnaw at it. After a few gentle bites, the green material finally snapped, and I was free.

I regarded the werewolf, searching for hidden motives in his actions, but found none. "Don't flatter yourself," he stated abruptly and turned his back on me, heading away. "I did it only so you could follow my brother. Do not keep him waiting." With that, he vanished into the depths of the forest.


Lauzoril's mate was more imposing than I had imagined, her beauty eclipsing even that of her alpha.

She lifted her head from where it rested on her paws and flared her nostrils. "You... are the one... the ancient," she declared. Her head swiveled to a dark shadow behind her, and she gasped, "Lauzoril, is this true? Is she the ancient one from the prophecy?" Her mate nodded, a wicked grin stretching across his maw. "Yes, my love. It is. She is the cause of all the lives that will be lost, all the blood that will be shed." He then leaned in, whispering just for her ears. "And she is perfect..."

I couldn't believe my ears. Did Lauzoril genuinely say that I was perfect? And in front of his mate? It was utterly absurd and twisted thinking.

The female wolf's eyes widened, and an angry snarl erupted from her maw. "Lauzoril!" she roared, springing up and pummeling her mate, taking him down with sheer force. Gasps echoed from the surrounding wolves, and even I parted my jaws in sheer astonishment. Lauzoril howled in surprise and pain, thrashing within his mate's grasp until she had her teeth pressed against his neck. Her bite wasn't lethal, but it showed her anger. "You dare go around saying that a dragon is perfect," she hissed, spitting out the word 'dragon' like venom. "Don't think I don't recognize a cheater when I see one. I might have understood another female wolf, but a dragon?! Are you mad? She will never love you, Lauzoril, not after what you've done to her." Her answer was met with silence. Her mate watched her with a sneer, albeit a surprised one. I shifted on my talons, uncomfortable with the scene I had unwittingly sparked.

Finally, the grey wolf I had encountered the day after my capture approached me, and I heard his subdued growl. "Let's get you back," he hissed out, his fluffy tail lashing behind him. I didn't object and followed him back through the woods to the clearing that had become my prison. My head hung low in shame and contemplation. Being the cause of someone's pain was something I loathed. I despised being the other woman, the one with whom a male cheated. I hated being the victim of something so... sadistic.

"It wasn't your fault, Alina. You're not the cause of his misplaced feelings and desires. He's only harming himself," the wolf said softly, placing a cautious paw on my talon. I didn't growl at him or snap; I was tired, weary of being used. All I wanted was to return home to my family and kingdom. Justice was the guiding light for most, but here, primitive lust seemed to be the paramount pursuit.

"I will return tonight with some food and water. What do you say?" asked the male wolf, stepping away from me and not bothering to tie me to the tree trunk. "I... I'd like to know your name first," I croaked out, my gaze still affixed to the ground before me. The young wolf paused and turned his head back to look at my hunched figure. A smile spread across his maw, and he whispered, "It's Balto."


The forest whizzed past Buck as he sprinted. The lingering scent of his ancestors filled the air. The dragon queen had opted not to carry him to the last known location of her kin, instead allowing him to chase after her while she soared above. It might have seemed a bit unfair, dear reader, but who was he to question the decisions of his queen?

Eventually, the majestic dragoness descended from the darkening skies and landed a few lengths away from the clearing where Buck had been sleeping. He came to an abrupt stop beside her, panting heavily. "Is... is that her?" he managed to inquire between his labored breaths. The dragon queen nodded, her wings gracefully folding around her massive form. "By the lingering scent here, we are in the territory of wolves. Werewolves. They are not known for being kind to dragons. They won't be kind to you either, young dog." Buck bared his teeth in defiance. "They will. I am their descendant." D'Anza snorted, a plume of amused fire escaping her nostrils. "You are a brave young dog, but bravery alone won't save you." She then took to the skies, possibly to remain concealed until the right moment to act. But Buck was in no mood to wait any longer. He sprinted to me, following the scent that confirmed my continued existence. Whimpering with relief, he circled around to my face. "Wake up, dragoness. It's time to go home," he urged, unaware of the watchful, orangish-brown eyes that observed the scene.

A low growl emanated from the wolf's throat, and he inched closer to the slumbering dragon and the dog. "I wouldn't touch the alpha's prize," he growled, capturing Buck's attention. Whirling around to face the wolf, teeth bared, Buck's aggression quickly dissipated as he recognized Balto. The brown-gray wolf was one of his ancestors, a timber wolf. Buck's tail started to wag slightly in delight, and he stepped forward to meet Balto halfway. "Hey!" he greeted with enthusiasm, his tail now wagging in a friendly manner.

Balto, taken aback by the sudden shift in attitude from the dog, frowned slightly and took a step back. "Balto," he answered. But his words trailed off as a low rumble heralded the presence of the dragoness, her glowing blue eyes locking onto the two of them.

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