Order From a King

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Days had passed, and the cursed man still prowled about our valley, our kingdom.

King Viserion dispatched me to conduct further reconnaissance, to find a solution to rid our land of this intruder. So, late in the twilight of the night, I cautiously emerged from the safety of the cave, stepping into the night's embrace. Stars twinkled above, casting their silvery light upon my dark scales, and the moon illuminated my path across the snow-blanketed terrain. The man had not strayed far from the main cave's vicinity.

I landed gently in the snow, my dark scales acting as a beacon to any potential predators or aerial predators. However, they knew better than to challenge a dragon. We were the undisputed rulers of this frigid kingdom, and our decrees were law. Folding my wings at my sides, I flared my nostrils as I advanced. The small, abandoned house where the man had settled was from a different family of humans who once resided in the valley, before our king had realized that peaceful coexistence was impossible.

He had driven them away, dispatching their elders and sparing the young. Following this, we had been free from the tyranny and avarice of humans. However, our respite was short-lived, as a new horde of intruders arrived, encroaching upon the borders of our realm. These newcomers were driven by greed, and they vowed to exterminate the dragon race once and for all. The fire dragons were the first to respond, attacking the interlopers, but they incurred significant losses. Following that, we dragons learned it was best to keep to ourselves and refrain from meddling in worldly affairs.

This man, however, appeared oblivious to this history or our nature. He had ventured into the sacred land, bringing along a tamed wolf — essentially a domesticated dog — and taken up residence in the snow-covered valley that would soon yield to the warmth of summer. My anger swelled as I placed a paw upon the rapidly melting snow. I curled my lips, revealing my glistening white teeth in the warm light of the sun. The dog I had encountered a few days earlier emerged from the house, its eyes widening.

Its tail tucked between its hind legs, and it lowered itself to the ground. Then, its owner emerged, equally surprised by the presence of an ancient beast. He clearly had no understanding of the world he had entered upon arriving in this valley. He likely thought it was uninhabited due to its harsh, frigid climate. I snorted at their astonishment and issued a warning growl. "I have come to escort you away from this place, human. You have trespassed upon holy ground, and all who violate the king's decree are sentenced to... death," I declared. The man retreated into the cabin, while the dog emitted a low growl.

However, it was aware that it couldn't challenge me, not with its puny teeth and limited strength. No one could best a furious and formidable dragon. So, I lowered my head to meet the man at eye level. "Leave this place," I hissed. "Depart before I incinerate you like the intruders you are!" The dog howled in fear and darted back into the cabin. I snorted, raised my head, and settled in for a long wait.

Time was on my side, for I was a dragon. I could wait until the night enveloped the land or until the days turned into months and then into years. I had all the time in the world, for I was a dragon.


"Did they leave?" inquired my king as I entered the throne room. I bowed before him and his mate, extending my claws in respect. I growled in response, and King Viserion smiled. "Good job, Alina. You may go now." I raised my head and nodded, then left the throne chamber and stepped out into the cold mountain air. Youngsters played around their parents, some sitting in small groups, keeping a watchful eye on their offspring, ready to lend a helping talon should a little one stumble and need assistance.

I sighed. My parents were back in our cave, and they cared for me, but I was on the brink of maturity, nearly ready for the upcoming mating season. However, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to participate. None of the males I'd encountered had piqued my interest. Most were either too young or occupied with other females to notice someone like me. But there was one exception, a handsome young dragon named E'luaz. He was quite popular among female dragons and was a strong and capable young dragon. My parents were aware of my internal conflict regarding him.

My circle of friends, seven young and beautiful female dragons of various colors, were unaware of my personal dilemma, but they were all acquainted with E'luaz. Most of them held unfavorable opinions of him due to his reputation, but one found his personality rather appealing. I couldn't help but inwardly scoff at her infatuation – blinded by love. How could she not see through his façade? Yet, here I was, wrestling with my own mixed emotions.

"Hi, Alina," a voice called out, interrupting my aimless wander through the mountain corridors. I craned my neck and spotted one of my dearest friends, Bailey, a dark golden-brown female dragon. She wore glasses to correct her poor eyesight, one of the few dragons in our mountain chain to do so. But no one thought any less of her. She was both beautiful and intelligent, which was enough for everyone to accept her. I offered her a friendly smile and turned to face her as she approached.

We met halfway, and I nuzzled her in greeting. "How are you? I heard you were with the king," she said as we parted. I nodded and let out a sigh. "Yes, I was. I was sent to drive away the man who's been lingering outside, but he hasn't left. He's still in the valley, and I can still smell him." Bailey nodded and flicked her tail thoughtfully. "Me too. But don't worry, Alina. As long as he doesn't pose a threat to us, everything should be fine."

Her words caused the knot of worry in my chest to loosen slightly. She had a way of making me feel better and not fret so much about the passage of time. As long as things went smoothly, and everyone was safe and sound, that was sufficient. I felt a warm curl around my tail and glanced back at the young female dragon. "Come on, let's join the others. They're waiting for us," I suggested. She nodded, uncurling her tail from mine, and began to lead the way. I sighed again and lifted my snout to the air to scent the breeze. The lingering scents of the human and wolf remained. They were out there somewhere, and if I didn't take action, they might stay here indefinitely.

But did I really want to intervene?

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