33. I'll Beat You All With My Shoe

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"Here you go you big baby," she scolded while putting the Oreo to his lips. Taking a big bite his face lit up to one of pure bliss. "Thank you, bambina." Giving him a lovey smile in return the killer twosome couldn't help it as they stared into each other eyes for a few seconds before Ace pulled Reese in for a hug.

I know love exists... in fairy tales.

But that can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of stuff. That kind of love I thought was only in fairy tales in books, but watching Ace and Reese, they made me believe in love.

Reese had a traumatizing childhood like me, and she found her person, so maybe I'll find that one day too?

Or maybe not?

Maybe I'm destined to be the ugly broken twin in this story, who no matter how hard she tries just can't put her pieces back together?

Sometimes evil does prevail, and the good girl just finishes last or succumbs to the darkness.

"What are you thinking about over there?" Ace asked well pouring himself a glass of coconut milk. "You look like you're trying to solve the De Vinci code, or that you're constipated."

"Ace?!" Reese groaned while giving him a shove.

"Just thinking about school." I lied, no need to admit their child is to broken to experience true love.

Pausing they both exchanged a look with each other, before each took a seat next to me, reaching for more Oreos. Taking a bite of my Oreos, I feel both pairs of eyes bore into the side of my face probably trying to figure out if I'm lying or not.

Feeling my cheeks flush from that look of admiration they were giving me I can't help but feel my heart warm up.

Everyone in the family gives me concerning or hopeful looks whenever I do decide to talk. It was uncomfortable at first, but now I don't know it kind of makes me happy to know they value what I say. I've never had parents who want me to talk, let alone encourage it but it's different.

It's nice to be wanted.

"Yes, are you excited for your real high school first day?" Reese asked while dunking her cookie in the milk. We had told bio parents about our degrees, and they were beyond proud, and thankfully didn't ask how we were able to graduate to school.

"Ya," I softly replied and honestly, I am. Like yes, we're still on a mission but it will be nice to just I don't know be a normal child?

Ending that conversion we brought our attention back to our cookies. After a few seconds Ace blurted "what do the mafia and pussies have in common?"

"Pardon?" Choking on milk by his sudden outburst I shift my body to look at him. "Oh gosh, he's going to start telling his dad jokes." Reese shuddered.

"One slip of the tongue, and you're in deep shit." Making hand motions like he was beating on a drum he said "ba da bing."


"What did the ocean say to the beach?"

"I don't know Ace, what did it say?"

"Nothing, it just waved."

Not being able to contain my laughter I busted out chuckling at the terrible joke.

"Why was the guitar teacher arrested?" Ace asked once Reese and I had simmered down with our laughing.

"For fingering a minor," Lele replied while walking towards us with Tre behind him.

"I went into your room hoping we could have a sleepover and you weren't there." He said arm full of candies from his room, "so I woke up Tre so we could find you."

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