Comincia dall'inizio

Shahan, who is brimming with happiness gave permission to Zaeem to have fun without asking Zarnab.

The hall gets emptied. Only Zaeem and Zarnab are in the hall now.

Zaeem pours the wine in the glasses and offers to her with his eyes.
She hesitates, but takes it then.

"First drink this and relax.", the licentious intentions are so vivid in his eyes, but is being blurred by his smile.

"Why he is offering me a glass of wine? A stingy at heart like him.", she muses and he readily comprehends her expression.

"It is like a regard for our engagement that we have to display to the audience. So, take it.", he assures her questioning eyes.

"Where is the audience?", she asks.

"Aarrgghh... Don't ruin my mood. Drink it."

"But you know my alcohol tolerance just sucks. Still you are offering me."

"Yeah, because I can bear any level of your tolerance."

She stares at him in inquiring manner.

"I know you fell for me on the very first day when you saw me.", he winks.

Her eyes boggle out to hear him, "Eh? What??"

"Yeah, your hidden eyes behind the spectacles kept following my flashy curves.", the style is oozing out of his words.

"Hunnhh..", she doesn't know what to say, but gets angry that she takes the glass, and empties it in a one go, not because she wanted but because of the surging anger and the engagement that is imposed on her.

He gets amazed to see her doing so, to see her gulping the whole glass of wine down in her throat.

He refills the glass like a god of wine offering her like blessing again and again. She keeps doing the same for many shots.

Zaeem' eyes smile to see her folly. She gets so drunk that she couldn't differentiate what is right and wrong.

"Why are you not telling me? Why you agreed to the engagement?", she demands being drunk.

He smiles, "Cause of boobies."
"What?", she shouts in a drunken state.

"Your big breasts are the cause. Look for yourself to them.", he points to her breasts.
Upon listening him, she laughs out loud that echoes so jovially.

Her jovial laughter amazes him and his heart starts to beat fast.

"But every girl has boobs.", she says laughing.

"Yeah, at first I thought the same, but I don't know why you prick my imagination.", he seems to lost in her eyes, "I am not an avid lover of boobies, but I don't know yours shook me out of my slumber.", his sexy voice filling every word with baffling seduction.

Though her body feels these signals of seduction, but she kept laughing like a child, "I also don't know but whenever I see you, my heart always gives me strange vibes of exotic world. And moreover, your dirty talks keep bouncing in my head and gives currents to my body."

Zaeem gets surprised to hear her and seems happy that she lets out the honest part of her heart about him.

"I don't know why you talk so dirty."

"Because dirty talk is like a water, a water that can create hole in the adamant stone.", he says, but she keeps on laughing.

He takes her in his arms and goes out of the hall admist her laughter thinking that she had forgotten her words on the night she came in his room and got agreed for the ceremony only if he took her to Falak' workplace.

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