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Hannah arranged flowers for her wedding bouquet in silence. It was 11pm. The storm has passed and Hannah has come to a quiet comprehension about her life. Alexander sat next to her watching her quietly. He pondered love and it's importance. It was clear Audrey had moved on. And she should. It was best for her, and despite it all, Alexander wanted what was best for her.

So he resigned himself and decided to love Hannah. He didn't think he had no control over who he loved. He could make a choice, a choice to love Hannah, and that's what he decided to do.

And then his phone rang. At 11pm.
No name. Just a number.

He answered it instantly, standing. "What's going on? She's what? What hospital? I'm on my way."

Without an explanation, Alexander left his wife to be, running to the side of the woman he'd just told her he loved. And she silently sipped her wine, the 9th cup that night, she was counting. She was hoping by her 11th glass she'd stop being able to count, and it wouldn't matter.

Audrey's heart, after 26 years, had finally, with no warning, given out. She lay, collapsed in her hospital bed, as a doctor informed her she'd have to go on the transplant list.

Audrey watched the door. How likely was it that she'd get a heart transplant in time? Not very, in her opinion, the waiting list was months long.

"The chances of you surviving while on the list are..." her doctor pressed his lips into a thin line. "Low. But not impossible. The strain to your heart is irreparable."

Audrey said nothing. She was finally ready to live. To enjoy her life and now it was over.

"What the fuck," Alexander huffed, his hair mused his clothing wrinkled.

"You came," she said softly.

He smiled sadly. "You called. What's going on? New meds? A surgery?"

The doctor glanced at him and then back at her.

"Well Mr. Willams—"

"He's not my husband," she wheezed instantly.

"And if I were she would be Remington. I would accept Williams-Remington but my last name is just too fucking awesome to drop," he chuckled.

Audrey rolled her eyes. "Also, he's getting married to someone else which is why it was a mistake to call him, it was a butt dial. You're just my emergency contact, they called you by accident. Go home."

Alexander frowned, taking off his jacket. "Why do you look so...morose doctor? Good news right?"

The doctor glanced at her. She waved her hands. "Yeah good news. No need to fuss. But I need my rest. No stress you know—the opposite of your presence."

Alexander looked her over, coming up to the bed, touching her face. Audrey didn't say anything. He rubbed her face gently.

"You okay?" His brow knitted, putting his arm around her neck. "We can move you; get you the best medical care—he's a hack and he smells like fear."

"It's Old Spice." The doctor informed.

Alexander narrowed his eyes. "Same thing. Get the fuck outta here."

The doctor murmured shuffling out of the room. Alexander checked her heart monitor, looking at the varying paperwork around her. He picked up a file reading it's contents.

"I don't know if you've ever heard of this, but there's something called a HIPPA law and you're violating it right now," she said weakly. "Kinda like that color..." she wheezed. "Is violating your complexion."

She winced grabbing her chest. "You gained so much privilege—"

"Yeah let it go. I got. I got the...I got the gist of it. My shirt is washing me out. Hurt my feelings," he murmured, flipping through the folder. "Mission accomplished."

"This says you're on the transplant list. Audrey...you need a new heart?"

Audrey shrugged. "That m-makes two of us."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, will you stop? This is serious, the transplant list for hearts is 6 months long!"

"Why do you know that?"

He looked away. He always checked. Just in case. But he didn't say this.

"I'll get you a new heart, I'll buy it and you know what, I'll get you a set of lungs too buy one get one free type deal they have that, surely."

Audrey sighed and went silent.

"Audrey? You know I will." Alexander pried sitting next to her.

She shook her head. "I don't want that. Your money doesn't make my life more valuable than anyone else's. I'm gonna wait."

He scoffed. "Well that's fucking stupid. Live to use that useless philosophy minor to spout altruism another day," he sneered, getting on his phone.

"Put the phone down. Or I will peel you like a banana." She spat

He winced, shifting. "Fuck that noise. We're getting you a heart Audrey. Maybe this one will be a little softer than one you have now."

"F-fuck you." She chuckled.

He smiled. "Fuck you. Get some rest. I'm gonna make sure you live, even if I have to push an organ donor in front of bus myself."

The doctor stood at the door with a wince. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

Alexander glared, shouldering past him. "Yeah you do that, and while you're at it, why don't you prescribe yourself some self-respect. Old spice? On a doctor's salary? You disgust me."

Alexander left the room.

The doctor pursed his lips. "This is unprofessional of me to say...but fuck that asshole, right?"

Audrey chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. Fuck that asshole."

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