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Audrey chewed on her pen, half listening to her professor. He droned on about variables, but her eyes were set, unseeing at the window, as she often did. Next to her was one of her classmates, who's eyes often drifted to her. He stared at her as she stared outside, her mind on a certain steel eyed gentleman.

"I was supposed to be in 101 Statistics," he leaned over, offering her a charming grin.

She glanced at him. "This is 101 Statistics," she informed him flatly, chewing the cap to her pen once more.

"Then maybe I'm just a fucking idiot," he grinned good naturedly.

"Hm. Maybe." She hummed.
"I'm Dallas," he offered his hand. She looked at it.

And that was that. Audrey returned to people gazing, and Dallas went back to gazing at her. Her profile was illuminated by the sun. Her full lips shone with a thin sheen of gloss. He thought those lips would so good against his. They looked plump, delicious. He licked his own, raking his hungry eyes down her frame.

"I'd love to take you out," he whispered. "There's a nice restaurant by the South dorms."

"Class dismissed,"

She jumped up, stalking toward the waiting car. Dallas raised his brows following after her.

"Sorry maybe that was forward," he trailed after her, stumbling over her feet. "It's just I find you beautiful, and I would love to get to know you —" Dallas' words died in his throat.

A man in a black tailored suit, leaned against an expensive but classy car, shades covering his eyes, his dark hair gelled back, a long, dark coat hanging on his shoulders. He looked stunning.

Audrey grinned.

"There's an amusement park in town. I'll take you, if you're good," He grinned.

His teeth were perfectly straight and white, his canines sharp. The man put his shades on his head, smiling at Audrey.

"Only thing amusing is your stupid face, Steel." She grinned back.

Dallas understood all at once. This man was who she had eyes for, and he couldn't compare. Compared to this shining ray of light, he was but a dull ember. Alexander noted the young man who trailed like a puppy behind her.

"Friend of yours," He called, tucking his glasses into his shirt. Audrey shrugged.

"We sit together in Statistics. What was it? Dallas?" She asked softly.

He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh...is this your boyfriend?"

Audrey looked back him. "Who Steel? No. Friend of the family," she leaned against the car, cocking her head. He was nice enough so far.

Alexander looked between the two, before smiling widely. He had an itch. It settled under his skin like a rash, spreading. Why was she looking at him? Why was she considering it? Didn't she know she belonged to him? Hadn't they agreed?

Alexander put his arm around her waist. "You kids making plans together?"

His hand spanned her waist, resting on her belly. He politely offered her to this young boy, under the condition he understood that she belonged to him and always would. His fingers edged under her shirt, and stroked her belly, idly. She didn't mind it, as if it were normal, natural.

Alexander silently put further distance between him and any notion that the woman between them would ever see him as anything more than a diverting time. Dallas didn't seem shaken though. He noted that though they seemed close, there was also a distance, a line drawn in the sand between the two.

He silently stepped over it.

"Actually yes. If your...stepdad doesn't mind?" Dallas grinned. "I'd love to take you out, Audrey."

Alexander's eye twitched, steel glinting in irritation. He opened the passenger side and nodded for Audrey to get in.

"Sure," Audrey shrugged. "Gimme your hand."

He did so, blushing as she took it in hers, biting her pen cap and scribbling her number on his palm. "Call me," she shouted, over the thud of Alexander shutting her door.

"You could've just texted me," Dallas chuckled nervously, his ears red.

"Yeah I know," Audrey said, over the rev of the engine. "But wasn't that so much hotter?"

Alexander took off, speeding away, glaring in the rear view at the boy who stared at his hand, his whole body now flush.

"Yeah," he muttered, looking after the car as it disappeared into traffic. "It really was."

Audrey assumed her position people watching. Alexander silently seethed beside her.

"You like him?" He asked eventually.

She just shrugged. "I dunno. I don't know him yet."

Alexander scoffed, leaning over. His eyes beamed down at her intensely. "So you intend to date him? Go out with him, alone?"

Audrey frowned and shrugged. "So what if I do, steel? What's it to you?"

Alexander looked over her face. It was no wonder she was attracting a crowd. That pretty round face, those lips, that figure, her attitude. He frowned deeply. He slowed to a stop and pressed his lips against hers, wiping the gloss from her lips with the heat and friction of his own, holding the back of her head, forcing her close to him.

Her hands rested on his shoulders, succumbing to his affection.

When he pulled away, he pulled off, staring straight ahead.

"I thought we weren't gonna fuck anymore," she panted, looking away.

He grunted. "Not buried inside you am I? Just a kiss. I can kiss you."

It wasn't a question, he was simply informing her. He could kiss her. Silently adding no one else could. But Audrey didn't hear that silent adlib. She just shrugged, called him a weirdo, and carried on.

His phone rang. She tuned out, now used to him handling business at all hours. His phone never stopped ringing, either one of them.

He dropped her home, in petulant silence that she didn't seem to understand. He drove back to the house, his knocked white against the steering wheel. Didn't she understand she belonged to him? His responsibility. His woman? His.

Now she was just going on dates? When had he approved this? And those low tops showing her cleavage. She seemed to only own crop tops, showing the soft belly he loved to hold. He stormed past his receptionist, locking himself on his office. That little brat. The day he decides to stop fucking her she gets a replacement? He had half a mind to pull her over his lap and teach her a little lesson about commitment. Frustration mounted in him, culminating in a throbbing erection.

He groaned. He was too old for this. The back and forth. Taking his lip between his teeth, Alexander tugged on his hard cock, the image of her on her knees behind his lids. Her soft moans, the way her nails dug into his back when she cursed him and begged him in the same breath.

Giving up fucking her was harder than he thought.

He looked down at the mess he'd made of himself like some kind of prepubescent teenager. Heaving a heavy sigh he slung his arm over his eyes.

"What the hell have you done to me?"

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