My heart is racing and I try my best to try and stay calm. I needed to be level headed before I made any rash decisions.

Ivy and our children came first before anyone, regardless of everything going on behind the walls of Unity I needed to go pick up my family and take them back to Amorite.

Short on supplies be damned.

The rain is still heavy but fuck it I had no choice but to keep moving. Even if I can't see I switch gears speeding down a muddied dirt path road back to Esaro.

I would make in there in less than half an hour, twenty if I'm willing to risk certain death.

I don't care, mashing my foot down on the gas until im doing speeds as close to a hundred and twenty. I'd get there quicker I just needed to be careful.

Suddenly this sickly feeling washes over my my head starts to throb and my body feels sore. I've been through this process more times than I could count, I knew exactly what it was. I was going into heat and at the worst possible fucking time.

I clench my jaw ignoring the soaring body pains and the mind numbing headache. I push through the pain.

Time seems to be moving slow for me and maybe it's due to the fact I was growing impatient.

Fuck it.

I stop the car slamming down on the breaks forcing the vehicle to come to a screeching halt. Reaching into the glove compartment I take out my gun and tuck it into my holster I am wearing. I find my blade and slide it into the other side then slip my brass knuckles on before I hop out the car and take off in the dark.

Everything hurts, it hurts so fucking bad but I push through the pain.

I needed to know that my family was ok. 

Just when I get in hearing distance of Esaro I hear her voice, it's filled with terror and so brief I don't get to make out the words she's screamed before there's nothing. The eerie sound of nothing but thunder strikes and rainfall fills my ears.

I feel sick to my stomach that I had even came up with the idea of leaving her alone. There was a possibility that someone could have followed me or Leon here and I didn't even know it. My adrenaline is pumping allowing me to push forward until I'm standing in front of Eden's castle.

The first thing I take notice of is the front door, it's broken like it had been ripped off the hinges but that's all I get to notice before I hear the unfamiliar footsteps of five men approaching me.

I turn around looking through the storm at most mens nightmare.

Five men, nearly as massive as me stands a few yards back staring at me. They have a unhinged look to them while their eyes are glowing red in the dark. They wear black bodysuits that went up, covering their lips and noses. The material of the bodysuit stops just below their eyes with the letter 'I' cleanly sewn into the breast part. Sleek, shiny gray metal covers their chest, shoulders, and knees while their hands welded swords that stood at least four feet long.

I watch their body language finding something off about them. Their heads tickings, their jaws snapping open and close almost inhumanly.

Their symptoms were something close to mine when I had first taken J3. It couldn't be... could it?

I had been careful, extremely careful with getting rid of any physical evidence of the drugs existence.

Only the math that cycled through my head at least ten times a day contained the exact notes that could be used to create the super drug. Or the spinal fluid that flowed down my back that recreated itself almost every ten seconds.

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