Not just a little witch

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"Take us to the Book of Vishanti so that we can fight her together" Strange demands.

"You are in no position to give orders" Mordo yells pointing at the two of us. "My vote will conclude these proceedings when they return."

"They're not going to return" i state. Mordo turns to face me, "Wanda will kill them without hesitation. They're an object in her way, she'll simply remove them."

A large thump echos throughout the room and that gives me and strange the signal they've died. "And you just cast your vote now to kill your friends" Strange shrugs with a small smile. Me and strange both turn away from mordo and stare at each other as we try to come up with a plan. Strange has this look in his eyes which gives me the impression he already has a plan of his own. "Not that that ever bothered you before. You know, you hated me where I came from. I bet secretly, you hated me here. You must've been so jealous." This is actually quite a good plan. Mordo paces the length of the higher platform trying to look away from strange who is now facing him. "Do you know what? I bet you were thrilled when you heard I've been corrupted, hell, you probably gave me the Darkhold to begin with."

"You know nothing, of this universe!" Mordo yells. Oh this is getting good. Hopefully he gets angry and comes down here to fight it out.

"I know, that killing Stephen Strange was your ticket to getting the Sanctum" I smile playfully, "to becoming Sorcerer Supreme, and to joining your little circus of clowns, the Illuminati!"

"I'm ready!" Mordo yells as he raises both of his arms in the air in a 'challenging' position. Mordo draws out his sword. "To cast my vote. Now." He jumps of the ledge and swings as Stephens head.

Strange dodges the attack and paces backwards as Mordo takes multiple swings. Strange raises his handcuffed arms so the strong chops them in half. Strange pushes the man back and punches.I send a beam and wrap it around Mordo's wrist causing him to drop the sword.

Mordo sends Strange into a wall with his sorcerer magic. Strange grunts. I pick up the sword from the ground, raise it at Mordo and point it at his neck. "Back the fuck up."

"You won't kill me" Mordo smirks.

"Wanna bet?" I question. I take the sword away from his neck and go to swing but he grabs it using his magic and pulls it out of my hands.

Mordo regains his grip upon the sword and swings it. He throws me across the room and begins to walk towards strange to kill him. Strange begins to stands but Mordo grabs him by the neck and shoves him against a wall.

Mordo raises his sword but as he goes to strike Stephen, Strange uses his broken handcuff to cuff Mordos wrist. He's defenceless. Strange slaps Mordo and throws him onto the ground.

I push myself up from the floor and throw a beam around Mordo's neck. Mordo grabs onto the beam and uses his strength to throw us both down a ditch. Strange jumps down behind us. I let go of the beam and click my wrists with a smirk.

Strange and Mordo begin to punch each other repeatedly. Mordo gets strange against the wall and goes to kick his face but strange ducks.

Mordo quickly regroups strange and gets him in a headlock. I take the opportunity and slide across the floor into Mordo's feet causing him to fall and let Strange go.

Mordo groans on the floor, strange quickly stands but seeing this action Mordo quickly tries to stand. However, Stephen is running at him, he jumps to kick Mordo in the chest and hits the opposite wall and uses it as a booster to climb onto the higher ground.

I shoot a beam up to the roof and begin to pull myself up, Mordo grabs onto my foot and tries to pull me down. I try to kick him with my other foot but he won't let go of me. I begin to slide down, "Olivia, grab my hand." I look up at strange and he has his hand stretched as far as he can. I take a leap and grasp his hand.

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now