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On a snowy, cold street Peter Parker walks to reach a familiar cafeteria store. He mentally re-reads his introduction lines, "Hi. My name is Peter Parker. You don't know me, but I- My name is Peter Parker and you don't know me, but. Okay" He reaches the store and walks in, ready for everything.

He sees Mj chatting with a customer. She turns and notices him. Then she waves at someone. Peter turns and sees Ned enter the store, "Hey."

"Hi." Mj smiles, "Can I help you?"

"Hi. My name is Peter Parker" Peter starts, "And I would like a coffee. Please."

"Okay, no problem, Peter Parker" Mj nods, She then packs some donuts for Ned and gives them to him, "Donuts for my fellow engineer."

"Wait, what?" Ned questions.

"MIT, they have the engineers" Mj reminds him.

"Oh, right, right, right. I should probably know that" Ned shrugs, "Look at you with the school spirit."

Peter looks at his best friend with amusement for a while, "Peter Parker? Peter Parker? Your coffee"She hands him a cup.

"Right. Thank you" Peter smiles, Peter stood and watched his best friends and decided it was best for them not to find out, besides it was safer that way. "Are you excited for MIT?"

"Right. Yeah" Mj replies, "Yeah, actually I am excited, which is weird because I don't really get excited about things. I kind of expect disappointment."

"Cause then you'd never actually be disappointed" peter remembers her line, "Right?"

"Yeah. Right" Mj nods, "It's just. I don't know. It just kinda feels different this time for some reason."

The bell on the door to the cafe chimes, Peter and Mj turn and there stood Olivia stark, she made eye contact with Mj and rolled her eyes, "Watson."

"Stark" Mj sighs.

"Could you get me a mocha latte to go" Olivia orders, "and actually make it good this time" Peter couldn't believe his eyes the two girls were now enemies.

Outside a car honks, Peter turns and sees Flash Thompson behind the wheel, "Hurry up Olivia!"

"I'm coming babe" Olivia yells back. Peter was shocked his girlfriend was dating flash Thompson. The boy guessed this would be what their life would be like if he never existed Olivia wouldn't be who she was, she'd be the selfish girl she was when she first met Peter.

"I heard you killed your mother" Mj says.

"What does it have to do with you Michelle?" Olivia asks with a eye roll.

"I just wanted to let you now you're cruel Olivia" Mj tells the girl with a innocent smile as she places her drink on the counter. Olivia pulls out a five dollar bill from her pocket and placed it on the counter and walks out. 

Peter stands there for a bit, before he finally forces a smile. Mj notices him still stood there, "is there anything else?"

"No. Thank you" Peter nods.

"No problem" Mj smiles, "See you around" Peter leaves.

Once Peter is out of the cafe he feels his heart shatter not only does his friends not remember him but his girlfriend, the one he believed he'd be with forever, was dating the guy he hated.

At a cementary. Peter is standing in front of May's grave, holding a white rose. He then puts it on her tombstone, which has an engraving When you help someone, you help everyone. A familiar figure joins him. Happy Hogan looks at the grave with sorrow, "How do you know her?"

"Through Spider-Man" Peter replies, "You?"

"Same" happy nods, "I lost a good friend a while back. It felt like this. Hurts cause they're gone, and then it hurts all over again because you remember what they stood for, and you wonder. Is all that gone too?"

"No, it's not gone" Peter smiles, "Everybody she helped" He turns to Happy, smiling, "they'll keep it going."

"You really think so?" Happy asks.

"I know it" peter smiles, "Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Yeah" Happy nods, "Nice to meet you" Peter leaves.

Peter carries a box into a studio apartment. Turns on the light, takes in the barren space. His new home. A fresh start. He opens a box containing a GED test study manual, sets out his personal effects including the LEGO Emperor Palpatine figurine from the Death Star set he and Ned built (and rebuilt) many times together.

Later on, Peter looks out the window. Snow falling on New York. He turns to his Spider-Man mask on the bed, grabs it. Peter follows a New York police precinct app on his phone.

"4-3 Edward, do you need EMS assist?"

"Uh, negative, Central. We're gonna need a car tow."

Peter dons his new, blue and red, hand-made suit. He leaps outside. Spider-Man soars over the Rockefeller Christmas tree with a newfound sense of freedom. Liberated from having to juggle two lives. Ready to take on new challenges. Being Spider-Man might have ruined everything in the boys life, but he can't live without being Spider-Man. Peter Parker is no more, but Spider-Man lives on.

Falling, Peter ParkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora