The other Avengers

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I wake up to the sound of shouting and glass being hit, "Hey. Hey! This universe sucks!" I look around and I'm stuck in a cage with glass walls in the middle of Strange and America. America is hitting on the glass repeatedly.

I look over at Strange and he's getting up off the ground wiping dust off himself, he then notices he's missing his cloak. "Cloak?"

The three of us stare at each other for a moment. Strange tries to do some spell to get us out of here but he's powerless. He notices the bands on his wrists blocking his magic, he sighs in defeat swinging his arms.

"Hey" Strange calls to one of the people outside. He knocks the glass, "Hey, Labcoat. Where the hell are we? Look, I don't know who you are or what you think you're trying to do here, but These situations don't usually work out well for a nameless scientist" the woman with red hair turns to face Strange, "Christine?"

Me and America both look at Strange and then back at the woman, "Hello, Stephen."

"Ay, Dios" America mutters.

"Miss Chavez" Christine smiles looking at America. Christine turns to look at me, "Miss Stark." She looks back at Stephen, "To answer your question, you're in a highly secure research facility. The three of you, along with your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and testing."

"Testing?" I scoff, "nah nah nah, I don't do testing. I have PTSD from testing."

"You're visitors from another universe" Christine states. "Your magnetic signatures could be radioactive. You may be carying diseases we just don't have treatments for. Hence these amazing polycarbonate fishbowls. You miss Stark have already been tested due to us having to stitch up your wound."

I look down at my chest and see a slit in my suit and a blood stain surrounding it. "This was a new suit."

The three of us look at our cages again. "Right. So, I have you to thank for these then" Strange smiles holding out his wrists showing his bands to the woman.

"Yes, I developed those using the Sands of Nisanti" Christine explains. "One of Stephen 838's magical relics."

"838 Stephen" Strange chuckles mockingly, "Is that some kinda cyborg me?"

"Our universe is 838" Christine explains. "And we've designated yours 616."

"This is Earth Dimension 616. I'm from Earth 833." I guess Beck wasn't completely a bullshitter.

"Oh. You guys sure must know a lot about the Multiverse" Strange nods. "You got someone going around naming realities."

"Yes. Me" Christine points to herself, "My senior phoned the Baxter Foundation, and I specialize in Multiversal research."

"So, how'd you end up working here?" Strange questions looking around the room. "Wherever here is."

"Oh, I volunteered" Christine admits. "At your funeral."

"Thank you for going" strange sighs.

Christine stares down at a tablet, "Your injuries, they're, They're similar, but they're not identical. It's fascinating." She taps a bottom and two X-rays of hands are on the screen of her computer.

"What were we, to each other in this universe?" Strange asks.

Christine looks up from her computer, "We never quite figured that out" she shrugs.

"Yeah. That's something we got in common" strange sighs. "Christine, You gotta let us out of here. Everyone's in real danger. Look, I know you don't know me."

"And I don't want to" Christine interrupts. "Whatever I was to you, in your universe, does not matter."

"Why not?" Strange questions, god why can't these two just shut up so I can plan my escape in peace.

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