Final play

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Olivia barges into the security room Beck has hid himself him, "I'm gonna kill you" she smirks before shooting a beam at the man and blasting him across the room, "Hank Pym was right, you should never trust a Stark."

Beck grunts while standing up, "Edith?"

"Yes Quentin" Edith responds.

Seconds later the reality Olivia knows fades, she looks around as Beck fades away and she's trapped in a cell looking at all the avengers who are looking back at her, "you're a monster!" Steve yells.

Olivia pounds against the glass window separating her from the illusion of her old family, "you're just a disappointment, Olivia" Tony scoffs.

"No please" Olivia begs, "BECK! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" The illusion fades away but it isn't the security room she was before.

Olivia looks around at the snowy scenery, but it wasn't a illusion it was like it was real, the snow moved like real snow and it was cold like how it would actually be, "You're just a dumb kid Olivia" Beck taunts as Olivia gets blasted into a mountain of snow, "you don't understand what you're interfering with."

"Why are you doing this?" Olivia grunts as she stands up and wipes the snow of her black and white suit.

"Do you remember your fathers invention he Nicknamed BARF?" beck asks her.

"That's how I wished it happened. Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, or BARF. God, I gotta work on that acronym. An extremely costly method of hijacking the hippocampus to clear traumatic memories. It doesn't change the fact that they never made it to the airport or all the things I did to avoid processing my grief. Plus, 611 million dollars for my little therapeutic experiment? No one in the right mind would've ever funded it."

"Oh you do" Beck cheers noticing the change in the girls expression as she remembers the memory, "I invented that. Your father stole it and then called it BARF. BARF?"

"Well that's my Father for you" Olivia smiles, "if you're so pressed by that you're a little weak don't you think" Olivia gets blasted by another drone, "ooo the man who can't fight but has all his technology to fight for him. But it's not even your technology, it's mine. That you stole."

"I don't need them" Beck smirks as he makes the illusion fade away and stands face to face with Olivia, "I'm just exited to watch the fall of the Starks. Tony has already fallen and now it's your turn to fall, then it'll be Peppers and then Morgan's" a drone blasts Olivia into a wall, she grunts standing up, "then your family legacy will be no more."

"Stay the hell away from my family" Olivia yells as she shoots beams a Beck but they go straight through him revealing the version she thought was real was actually a illusion.

"There will be no more Starks" Beck taunts, "everyone will look for a new leader. That won't be you, you'll be dead all of your family will be dead. It won't be Peter as he'll be dead too. Everyone will look up to me."

"Aww you're insecure" Olivia chuckles as she stands up and decides to change the subject to something more laughable, well laughable for her, "you're scared, that's the truth. You're scared that I'll come after you so you need to kill me to make sure no one ruins your plan. You're scared off a seventeen year old girl" Olivia shoots a beam up and causes a explosion of multiple invisible drones, she smirks as they reveal Beck who was stood in the left hand corner of the room, she glares at him, "I mean who wouldn't be?"

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now