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So Olivia and Flash didn't work out, and after two years together, or two years if Peter Parker didn't exist, they decided to call it quits since the boy wanted to attend college, and Olivia didn't see the purpose like she did before. So, when the first semester approached, they broke up because they couldn't keep up with all the long-distance nonsense.

If Olivia was being honest with herself, all she wanted to do was spend time with her family and focus on the business instead of worrying about some foolish boy or having to save the world yet again, but working on the business and staying out of world-ending scenarios didn't work out because there is always some world ending threat in her world, but let's start from the beginning.

"Flash I'm trying to break up with you" Olivia sighed, both flash and Olivia stood on the streets of New York of their final date. They both knew what was to come at the end of the night but neither wanted it to happen.

"I know" Flash shrugged with a saddened smile on his face, "and it's okay, because I can wait. I'll wait until you're ready. I'll wait until there is no distance between us so we can always be together."

"I'm not letting you wait for me" Olivia smiled, "that's wrong."

"It's okay" flash told her, "because I know I love you liv, and even if we're thousands of miles apart I will always love you. If in five years you're still looking for someone give me a call."

"So Olivia," Happy began, "what are you intending on doing now?" Olivia, Morgan, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy were all eating supper in the Stark cabin's garden.

Before responding, Olivia gave it some thought before saying, "Not college." After responding, she takes a sip from her glass of water.

"Why not? It's an opportunity to make new friends," Rhodey explained to the teenager. "If you don't want to, you don't have to take over the company. You could study a subject that interests you."

Olivia answered quickly and without hesitation, "One, I want to take over the business, and Two, I don't want people pretending to be my friends because of the money I have or because I'm an Avenger."

"How about that boy? The one you brought around for dinner last month, and the month before that," Pepper inquired.

"Flash?" Olivia took a guess.

"What kind of name is flash?" Rhodey chuckled as he took a bite of his food.

"Flash is his nickname, and it's finished with him," Olivia told her father's old friend. "We broke up because neither of us wanted to go long distance."

"So what about continuing the superhero legacy?" Happy suggested, "it's all you've wanted after what happened. It's everything you've wanted since you were young."

"It just doesn't feel the same anymore" Olivia shrugged, "I mean I was twelve when I had that dream, I knew nothing about my magic or fighting the bad guys. I thought I was a fairy or something supernatural. I thought I was apart of the winx club."

"Olivia ever since you first saw your dad in the suit you wanted a life like him" Rhodey reminded the girl, "you begged him to let you help when we were fighting. You practically wanted to be him. But if choosing the safe option if that's what you want to do now, go for it, but you're the one to blame if you regret it."

"No matter what I choose I'll regret" Olivia stated with a long sigh, "I mean I can't be normal I have these powers which I know fuck all about. Some days I'm glad I have them as I get to save people,. Other days I hate it, it makes me a target that I have to protect people no matter what."

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now