It's now after shift time Kelly just told the grand jury everything that went down at the cabin ,

DP= well how did it go?
K= well I just told them everything in detail
DP= that's all you had to do Kelly look the case against Thomas Campbell is about as bulletproof as you can get mostly because of you
K= they didn't say anything in there about the mole not a word
DP= yeah well we're on top of it
K= what's that mean?
DP= it means we're on top of it it's being handled
K= has he been named outed n the department because you can't charge him until that happens
DP= kelly you don't have to worry about this you're safe
K= I'm not worried about me my wife almost got killed because of some cop on the  take opening courthouse side doors for Campbell skins, feeding him information about my whereabouts and it doesn't seem like you're doing anything in your power to take this guy down I mean what's the holdup? What are you waiting for
DP= hey hey I don't report to you it's a police matter let the police handle it
K= you're not
DP= stay in your lane

Kelly leave the courthouse and decide to go talk to the cop that he knows and he can trust

K= hey upton
HU= hey Kelly
K= thanks for coming out
HU= are you kidding me I'm dying to know what it is you want to talk about inside
K= yeah I'm just trying to be careful turns out that Thomas Campbell have a mole inside the cpd
HU= cop on his payroll
K= yeah and your buddy Pryma he's not doing much of anything about
HU= my buddy I barely know this guy
K= i'm just saying you're both cops. I'm hoping that you could help me understand why he would drag his feet.
HU= I don't know it's tricky thing bringing down a dirty cop
K= I don't care how hard it is. It Hass to be done.
K= pryma been solid up till now, but he got really defensive about this
HU= look I can't speak for pryma but there may be reasons that he doesn't want to drop the hammer on this
K= like what
HU= like, maybe the mall could be exploited if he has information that makes him an asset
K= an asset wait so pryma might leave him in place if he cooperates
HU= I know it's not what you want to hear about the world of confidential informants can be pretty messy believe me
K= it's not the world I live in the guy almost got me and stella cute I want his head on a pike an asset

Kelly just leaves since Upton wasn't that much of a help to him later on at Molly's stomach decides to have a joint with a new guy to clear the air

SC= I like the vibe of this place. Thanks for the invite.
S= I just wanted to clear the air before you start at 51
SC= how do you mean
S= let's be honest Carver we were not exactly best friends at the Academy
SC= we were  two competitive driven people that's all probably more what we had in common that kept us battling back then
S= that and  your  cocky  attitude
SC= I hear that but I was a newbie. It's one of the reasons I'm so stoked to be at 51 is to show you the kind of fire fighter. I am now tell me about you in this fast track to Lieutenant how did it all come about?
S= a hell of a lot of work study,  training session, leadership seminars 
SC= I'm sure chief Boden was a big support
S= he was in D.C hill gave me a boost
SC= ah D.C hill that makes sense
S= what do you mean
SC= just that I can see her being a fan let me get the next round

Stella stays for a little bit to hang out with Sam, but heads home after a while

K= good chat with Carver
S= ha I mentioned getting a little support D.C hill and he said " that makes sense" what the hell do you think he meant by that
K= you asking me or you already have...
S= he thinks the only reason I got promoted is because I'm a woman of color
K= or he's trying to get to you but either way not cool what are you going to do?
S= for some reason Boden loves this guy so I got to do my best to make it work you connect with Upton can she help?
K= somethings cops and firefighters don't see eye to eye on I mean just inside me and needs to be outed. I just don't know how to force the issue.
S= you could go a little further up the chain maybe it's time to check in with commander Pearce
K= are you kidding forget it no

After he thinks about it a while, Kelly decides to listen to Stella and go to see him

K= knock knock
CP= kelly I don't think I've seen you since your father's funeral. How are you?
K= eh pretty good yeah, I just got married
CP= congratulation
Yeah it's a good thing. Hey, do you have a minute commander? I need some help with a little situation I got roped into.
CP= you did him wrong. Your father loves you above all else he'd have done anything for yo
K= I know that
CP= then why toward the end of his life did he have to lean on friends like me instead of his only  son
K= I think you know Benny was a complicated man
CP= he was your father, and he deserves better than what you gave him, so what makes you think I am inclined to do any favors for you
K= ( starts to leave) when I was 16. I came home late one night I saw Benny sitting in the dark, half way through a bottle of rye tears on his face I asked him what's wrong, and he just kept murdering on on about some big mistake. He almost made that kind of thing you can't undo that he'd be riding in jail right now if Marty Pierce the next day, when he sobered up, I asked him about it he just acted like he didn't know what I was talking about but from then on one thing, I knew for sure you are a man of honor. Benny wasn't an easy man to steer in the right direction. i'm not here because I think you'll do me any favors. I'm here because I know you'll do what's right.

He leaves him with that and heads into work we're Kelly and everyone else meets Sam Carver, the new firefighter, then the firehouse gets call Tracie pretty soon after the start of shift, which happens to be a wedding fire. They get everyone out in a couple people took into med.

S= Kylie said you wanted to see me
CB= come on in
S= something wrong
CB= saw the assignment that you gave to Carver during the call. He is capable of much more than that. I hope you're not gonna let your personal feelings for that man get in the way here.
S= I am not I assure you
CB= good
S= so you know cheap I was not sidelining him he needs to know his place on my rig he has not proven himself to me yet mouch and Gallo have and I needed to see if he would handle that well which he did you told me to take him on board and I did that but now I respectfully ask you take a step back and let me lead him my way
CB= I could do that, but just a small step
S= thank you chief

Stella leaves his office later on that night. Kelly arrives home.

K= pryma
DP= look I don't know how you have so much pool inside the department, but you just cost me a useful CI
K= Campbell's mole
DP= Danny cavanaugh everybody knows his name now, so you might as well too. He's been stripped of his badge and facing charges.
K= good
DP= like how he wasn't just connected to Campbell, he could've helped us shut down a major heroin pipeline, but he's burned now
K= got what he deserves
DP= he did and you just lost yourself a valuable friend

He leaves, and Kelly goes up stairs to tell Stella what just happened

S= " you lost a friend " what is that? Is that a some kind of threat
K= I doubt it pryma a good man, but I couldn't back down from the battle
S= yeah, I noticed is everything OK?
K= when I agree to testify and take Campbell down, I was only thinking of the west to myself, but we're married now a team and after everything that happened at the cabinet hit me hard that the moves. I make a fact you just as much could've gotten you killed.
S= hey don't do that I was with you every step of the way I always will be
K= you sure about that I mean I did give you the worst honeymoon ever
S= every day I spend with you is a honeymoon

They kiss and  Kelly cuddles in the Stella's arms  they go to bed soon after

Authors note: they are finally back. What a great episode. First off what a hot Kevin seen that we got at the start of the episode minus the whole morning from the bad guys part it was good., I love everything about whenever Kelly says my wife. It's so good to hear him say something like that. It's been a long time coming., also Mary life looks amazing on them. They are very protective each other, and very in love., this new guy has something up with him, that hopefully comes out soon and hopefully doesn't affect Stella at all , I can't wait to see the next episode of them being married, and in love

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