Audrina rolled her eyes and stepped forward to stand in front of Kieran he looked down at her, "Ignore him.....  it's another one of those jokes taken way too seriously."

"Jokes!", Akito started laughing. "You think Amrins death was a joke?"

Audrina's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she faced Akito again. Her wall cracking just a little more, "I wouldn't dare say that. Never assume that again."

The menacing smile still played on her lips, and Kieran's expression was just as amusing as she thought it'd be.

Akito hated Audrina. With as much passion as her mother. But it was something about her success and the way people naturally drew to her made it so do such. The entire Zodiac story wasn't told properly. Akito's dad only told her about the banquet. He never mentioned the true relationship the owl and the God had. There was way more.

  She hated her more than anything because it was suppose to be the God who drew that attention. Yet she was missing one important concept that the entire story of the first banquet would have settled.

The God also confided in the owls care. Protection. Her rejecting that lead her down the path she took. And now the damage was way beyond irreversible. If she had just allowed Audrina to do what she was born to do, there would have been so many things corrected.

Instead she rejected her. Let the overwhelming emotion control her actions. Abused her, took away the only thing she found joy in. Amrin. The only person that loved her outside of the Sohma clan. In which she believe was forced by a bond to do so. Without it she'd be entirely lonely.

And to see her suffer and more ways than Aktio herself could ever feel, was what motivated her. She couldn't let another person enter Audrina's life to bring her peace. To allow her to forget what happened before hand.

And despite Audrina thinking that could never happen. That no one could stop her from thinking about her responsibility that weighed her down. How to care for herself. She's just ignoring the facts. And pushing Kieran away maybe harder than she originally have thought.

But there was another option......

"Kieran was it?", Akito titled her head to the man. Kieran had already come to terms with his view of Akito. And like everyone else. He didn't like her. That hard stare he gave earlier turned to a mean one. He wore a frown and didn't bother to cover up his dissatisfaction. Just making Audrina uncomfortable alone was his setting point.

"Yes", Audrina scrunched her eyebrows as she turned around to the sound of his voice. It wasn't nothing she ever heard.

Akito upon hearing the sound of his voice as well wiped the smile off her own face. Because he was not going to listen to anything else she had to say. She knew it. The way he looked, his posture, he wasn't going anywhere like her intention. Her warning wasn't enough.

So she went for the one who's known to run. To distance herself for the sake of others, "Audrina. You are fool to bring a non-Sohma member into your life. You say you've changed. But clearly your just as much of an idiot as you were years ago."

She took it. Nothing she hasn't heard before. But the verbal abuse was new to another's ear and he despite Akito completely ignoring his presence spoke, "Hey. I don't know who you are. Or have a general understanding-."

"Then keep it that way and leave.", Akito snapped. Kieran didn't even blink from her changing tone. He just waited till she was finished to continue. But he opened his mouth to speak and Audrina was already stepping in front of him looking dead in his eyes. She wore a frown and he saw her eyes were sunken. Tired.

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