"I'll be back with you soon. You will barely realise we're not beside each other"

"I will" she breathed which made him smile
"Jasper.... I-" he cut her off and placed his lips on hers

"I know"


"Yeah uncle. I'm just helping Alice run Bella south. I'll be okay" they had called him from the hotel they were at and informed him of all that was going on

"I'm keeping a lookout here. If I see any vampires I'll kill the bastards" both Hazel and Alice laughed

"Okay uncle jack, I'll speak to you soon"

"By dear" she hung up the phone just as a gasp sounded from Alice

"What is it? What do you see?"

"The tracker, he just changed course" Bella walked over to them both

"Where will it take him Alice?" She reached to the side and got a paper and pencil before placing it in front of the pixie girl

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors" she started to draw what she saw and both Bella and Hazel studied the picture

"Edward said the Visions weren't always certain" Bella said speaking up

Hazel: "She sees the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds the vision changes"

"Okay, so the course that the trackers on now is going to lead him to a ballet studio?" Both Alice and Hazel stopped to look at her in shock

"You've been here?"

"I took lessons as a kid. The school i went to had an arch just like that"

"Was your school here in phoenix?"

"Yeah" her phone started to ring so she quickly rushed off and spoke to Edward on the phone and Hazel picked up hers as Jasper called her

"The tracker has changed course Darlin. He's not primarily after you but he still is, and i know you can protect yourself to an extent so it's up to you on what you want to do"

"What are the options?"

"We can run, lead the tracker away or we can stay in forks and wait for the tracker to come to us. I'll be with you in whatever one you choose"

"Back to forks" Hazel whispered
"At least if the trackers after me, he'll be away from Bella"

"Okay. I'll be with you soon Darlin" the phone line went dead and Alice stood up

"I'm going to check out of the hotel" Alice said
"Help Bella get her things together" she nodded as Alice left the room and she went over to Bella who was putting things in her bag quickly

"You need help?" Bella turned quickly and nodded

"Yeah thanks" she smiled and walked over and stated packing up and Bella took out her phone watching as a name came up on the screen

"My moms calling" she breathed in relief putting the phone to her ear

"Hey mom. I'm glad you got my message. What are you doing home?" Bella froze up
"Calm down. Everything's fine. I'll explain everything later. I- mom are you there?" Hazel looked at Bella, watching as her face paled in shock which was a lot since Bella was already pretty pale
"Don't touch her! Don't just! Don't!" Bella stopped and sighed
"Where should I meet you?" Hazel couldn't believe what she was hearing but this was Bella's mother on the line so she understood. Bella hung up the phone and turned to Hazel

"He has my mom. He wants me to bring you with me as well"

"Bella" Hazel started. She didn't like the idea. No. She hated the idea

"Hazel please. This is my mom. You have these powers. What for if you're not gonna help?" Hazel shook her head. She had done nothing but protect Bella. With the men and when James ran at her. It's natural she wasn't willing to put her life on the line right then

"that's not fair. I only have them for when I become immortal. I won't become immortal if I die before i have a chance to"

"This is my mom!" Hazel flinched back ever so slightly at the rising of Bella's voice. There was one thing that she hated and that was when people shouted at her in anger

"Okay" Hazel whispered


They had snuck out whilst Alice was busy and had taken a cab to the ballet studio. The girls both sat in silence; Bella feeling bad for shouting and forcing Hazel into this and Hazel not knowing what to think about the situation

They pulled up to the studio when it got dark and Hazel pulled out her phone, sending a message to all the Cullens at once

Alice's vision

She didn't have time to put it in more detail as Bella paid the cab man. They both got out and started walking up to the studio. Bella took out her can of pepper spray and shook it

"Once we're there. Get your mom and go. No hesitation, do you hear me?"


"Bella you forced me to be here. So listen to me. When he's distracted don't look back. Run as fast as you can"

"Okay" she whispered and Hazel nodded as they continued to walk up the stairs. They opened the door and stepped inside

"Bella? Bella? Bella? Where are you?" They both started to run to the older voice


"Bella?" They ran over to a cupboard and opened it revealing a video tape with a younger Bella and her mom.

It was a sadistic laugh that made Hazel and Bella turn back and this time James was standing in front of them

"That's my favourite part. You were a stubborn child, weren't you? Hm?" He said walking closer to Bella. Hazel held her arm out keeping James a safe distance away from her

"She's not even here" bella gasped out. James growled and grabbed hazels neck and pressed her to the wall, inhaling deeply trying to catch anything of a scent though he came up with nothing

"Sorry. You know, but you really made it too easy. So, to make things more entertaining, I'm going to make a little film of our time together. Bella, I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind" he pulled out a recorder
"And action" he pointed it to Bella who didn't speak

"That'll break Edward's little heart"

"You have.. Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella shouted moving closer to him and Hazel pulled her back

Endlessly - Jasper hale [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now