"No" she whispered softly which made Jasper laugh

"You need to wake up, we're going to play baseball today"

"That's not until 3pm. Can we stay here until then?" Jasper sighed smiling. There was no way he would be able to say no to her

"Okay. Fine" she smiled pressing a kiss to his collarbone

"Thank you Jas" Jasper ran his cold hand over her bare hips and ran them up her waist



Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" JACK ASKED ONE JASPER PICKED HAZEL UP. He was already in the house but he had to go home and get the car to act like he didn't stay the night

"We're going to play baseball" Jasper told him

"Baseball? Will hazel be playing or just watching?"

"Whatever she wants" they both looked to her

"Playing. Definitely. I can't wait to beat Emmett at something else" they both chuckled at her

"Get going then" jack said ushering then out the house


"Jason, are you ready to lose?" Hazel asked as she stepped out of the car. She went over to Esme and Carlisle bringing them both into hugs as well as the other siblings

"You're playing!? Oh you're going down" she sped over to him, tripped him over and looked down at his body sprawled out across the floor

"You'll see about that. Emmett 0. Hazel 4" the Cullens all laughed and she went back over to Jasper who was looking at her proudly

"You've got this immortal thing down huh?"

"Uncle jack has been teaching me things in our spare time" she smiled wrapping her arms around his waist and looked up at him. He brushed some hair away from her face and pressed a kiss to her nose which made her adorably scrunch it up

It was a while before Bella and Edward pulled up and Hazel smiled skipping over to them both

"Bella" she smiled hugging her

"Hey Hazel" she moved to Edward and brought him into a hug too

"Glad you're here" Esme said walking over to them
"We need an umpire"

"She thinks we cheat" Emmett said which made Hazel laugh

"You do cheat"

"Do not!"

"Call them as you see them Bella"  the lightning struck once they were all in positions and Alice smiled

"It's time" she threw the ball which Rosalie hit and was sped off

"Okay, now I see why you need thunder. That's gotta be a home run right?" Bella asked Esme

"Edward's very fast" Jasper started to spin his bat around which made Hazel blush as she stared at him. Edward caught the ball and threw it to Esme who pressed it down as Rosalie slid in

Endlessly - Jasper hale [1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now