33: Easy To Lose

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The hard part about searching a forest this close to nightfall was that you could search every inch of an area and still never find who you're looking for. The trees were too thick, too uneven. There were too many pitfalls and hiding places. It was an impossible task. 

That being said, Tomura was willing to disintegrate the whole think to find his child. 

"Ichigo!" Toshinori called out, "Come here! Ichigo!". 

The forest was eerily quiet. Not even a bird chirp in response. 

"This can't be happening." Tomura mumbled for what must have been the thousandth time. "I can't-this can't be happening.". He looked around shining the flashlight at the underbrush and thrashing with his free hand at a bush. "This can't...". 

"Tomura, it will be alright." Toshinori assured him. "We'll find them. They can't have been gone for more than twenty minutes.".  

At the words Tomura crumpled to the ground. "Twenty minutes is too long." He stressed. "Children can fall and hit their heads and die or fall in a ditch and die or drown or-". 

"If you keep saying that you'll make yourself more nervous." Toshinori interjected. 

"I can't get any more nervous!" Tomura snapped, shouting with a desperate edge to his voice. "You don't understand-I can't lose them again. I can't.". Tears welled in his eyes. They were already red and painful, and there were deep scratches all over his body that were beginning to bleed. 

He was falling apart. His body was tearing itself apart because of his fucking quirk and there was nothing he could do because the pain wouldn't go away until he found his baby. 

Toshinori put a firm hand on the younger man's shoulder. "You wont lose them again. Not for much longer." The man promised. "I've already contacted the police, they should be at the house soon. You should head back and meet them.". 

"Wont they just arrest me?" Tomura hiccupped. God this was a nightmare. It had to be. 

"They've been informed of everything. They just want to help, okay?" Toshinori assured him. Tomura resisted the urge to rub the tears out of his eyes again, worried that they were already rubbed raw and it would burn to touch. He just nodded and took a deep breath before standing up. 

"I'll go back, you keep looking." He instructed. Toshinori gave him a reassuring smile that was barely visible in the light of his flashlight. 

With that Tomura turned his flashlight to face the path they had trekked through the woods back to the house. 

Being raised in a city didn't help his unease with the woods. As he slowly got further away the dense forest dampened out the sound of Toshinori's calls until Tomura took one step and was suddenly completely alone in the silent wilderness. 

He had been right all along. Life was cruel. It was an unforgiving, heartless motherfucker who could put the most beautiful thing to ever exist on earth in your arms only to take them away.

This couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Not when he had just gotten them back. 

"Ichigo!" He called out, his voice shaky and unsure. "Ichigo please, come here! Come towards my voice!". 

Who was he even saying 'please' to? He wasn't pleading with his child, he was pleading to whoever was listened, for whatever was happening to stop. 

For all his power, for all the fear he had instilled in society, for all he had done, he could now do nothing but plead that universe would return his child to him unharmed. 

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