21: It Started So Well

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"Kitties!" Ichigo squealed excitedly as they entered the cat café. The employees, who had all either seen or head of their little shapeshifting guest, were excited to see them. 

"Good morning!" A college aged boy with yellow hair and matching glasses greeted. "Its good to see you both again.". 

"You too." Tomura said, awkwardly bowing his head. They headed to their usual table away from the windows and settled down. 

"What does this one say?" Ichigo asked, pointing at a word on the little menu card.  

"'Cupcake', kiddo." The man smiled, endeared. He had been attempting to teach Ichigo to read recently. They could already write their name, and the words 'dear' and 'love' because Tomura received a lot of cards. So far it had only manifested in Ichigo asking about written words more often, but that was enough. He wasn't sure kids that young were supposed to be able to read anyways. 

That being said, he didn't really know anything about kids period

Ichigo took the information very seriously and continued to stare the card down like it owed them money. "Can I have a cupcake?" They asked finally. Tomura smiled softly. 

"Sure thing.". He said, marking down some black coffee for himself and a chocolate cupcake for Ichigo when they clarified their flavor preference. 

They had barely been in the cat café five minutes, but it seemed Tomura's kid's reputation proceeded them. Cats immediately began to congregate around the table. 

Honestly the man had half a mind to shoo them away. He loved cats too, he really did but Ichigo was his kid. Not their kitten. 

Every time he brought Ichigo to the café, eventually they decided being a human was boring and turned into a kitten. Then suddenly every cat in this place decided Ichigo was their kid. 

This time, he managed to keep Ichigo human until after they finished the cupcake. Not before he could clean up Ichigo's face though. 

"Get back here!" He called out as the kitten rushed away towards the cat structures. Ichigo continued to ignore him. 

"Ichigo." He said in a warning tone. The kitten looked back at him, seeming to contemplate it for a minute, but was immediately picked up by the scruff of their neck by another cat. "Hey! No, that one's mine." Shigaraki tried to protest, but the cat didn't even spare him a second glance and hurried to a cat tower on the other side of the café. 

"Not again." He groaned, making his way over to the cat house. Once he had to get one of the employees to help him pull Ichigo away from the cats. It didn't help that Ichigo enjoyed playing with the cats too. 

Still though, he was kind of having fun. It was nice to get out of the house, and it was even better that the employees didn't mind Ichigo's 'shenanigans'. They thought it was adorable to. 

"Come on kiddo." He said, staring through the entrance to the cat house. "At least let me wipe your face off. There's still icing on it.". 

All he got was a very annoyed meow from the cat that had decided they were Ichigo's parent now. Tomura sighed and decided to leave it be for now. 

Aizawa's week had been very long and very tiring, so he was excited to relax for a little bit.

Learned about Katsuki's real experience with the league had been quite the shock. He had come clean about everything, and as if Shigaraki Tomura letting his own captive free wasn't shocking enough, the fact he was likely taking care of a child was. 

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