18: Well From What I Can See

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"Mom? Have you seen my socks?". 

Tomura groaned at the noise and buried his face further into his pillow. "Dad, oh my god I'm gonna be late!" The voice called out. 

"Five more minutes." The villain complained. 

There were some thumping sounds, footsteps, and someone was knocking on his door. Begrudgingly he sat up, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. It felt like he had been sleeping for 20 years, but it still wasn't enough. 

The knocking continued until whoever it was just sighed and opened the door. "Dad, I need socks." The teenager said. 

Tomura didn't know what to make of them. They had mostly blue, medium length hair with several stray streaks of bright and pastel colours of all sorts. There was a pair of headphones loudly blasting pop music hanging around their neck and they had star shaped earrings. They were wearing a high school uniform with dark tealish pants and a white button up shirt. There was a half tied tie hanging off their shoulders. 

"Dad!" The teen said, exasperated, "Where are my socks? At this rate I'm gonna be late on day one!". 

It was when he caught sight of the trademark sparkly red eyes that he realized who this random person was. 

"Ichigo?!" He asked, shocked. 

The teen gave him a confused look. "Yeah?". Tomura's heart stopped beating for a second. 

What the hell was going on? Why was Ichigo a teenager? What was happening?! 

"I'm just gonna steal some of yours." The kid announced, sliding the closet open. They riffled through some piles of clothes and pulled out a pair of black socks. 

At this point Tomura was out of bed, shocked at how coordinated his pajamas were. Dark blue pants with white stripes and a dark blue t-shirt. Half the time he just slept in whatever sweat pants he had been wearing that day. What the hell was this? 

"You're lucky uncle Dabi came over." Ichigo pouted, "I mean, come on! Its my first day.". 

"Um...its been a weird night?" He offered. Ichigo just shook their head and smiled, dragging Tomura out of the room. 

The hallway was lined with all sorts of things. Wait...they had a hallway? And Ichigo didn't sleep in his room. This was a different apartment. 

Honestly not the weirdest thing that was happening right now. Tomura refocused on the pictures as he passed them. 

Tons with him and Ichigo as a toddler. He recognized those photos, remembered taking them. That was Umi, Ichigo's friend. They were together with little back packs. 'First day of kindergarten' was written in the corner. After that there photos of sports days, cultural festivals, more birthdays than he could keep track of. 

Several drawings lined the walls too. There were a couple framed birthday cards made for Tomura, obviously by Ichigo. 

They were adorable. Honestly the whole thing was cute as fuck. But they were out of the hallway now and he couldn't look anymore. 

Dabi, the notorious villain, was cooking. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." He teased, "Love the bed head.". 

"When did you move in?" Tomura asked, honestly shocked. God had Dabi actually moved in? 

"I didn't. I slept over because I knew you would try to sleep through our little rockstar's first day." Dabi explained, "Now come on, I made pancakes.". 

Ichigo grabbed one of the plates that were made up and set out of the counter and sat down at the kitchen table. 

"I feel like I'm still dreaming." The villain said, rubbing his eyes. "Like they were definitely tiny a second ago.". 

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