17: Three's Company

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Ichigo sighed heavily and stared out the window. The kid's talent for melodrama was phenomenal. 

"Park?" They asked, staring up at their uncle Keigo with big pleading eyes. Keigo sighed as well and shook his head. 

"Its not safe right now.". He had probably said that a million times since Shigaraki dropped the kid off. 

It had officially been two days since then. A lot had happened, Bakugou Katsuki had been kidnapped, suddenly reappeared after setting himself free, the league and All Might had fought, All For One made his first appearance in god knows how long. They clashed, All Might won but was forced into retirement. 

Keigo was still shocked by his 'true form' although he wasn't really sure if it was his true form or just a result of the injury. Ichigo had thankful slept through the major crisis he had in front of the tv watching the news the night of the Kamino attack. 

Tomura hadn't been caught. The news didn't mention it and Keigo's hero commission connections all said they didn't have him in Tartarus. Basically the hero expected to see Shigaraki at the door any time between three seconds from now and next week to pick the kid up. 

He didn't know how long you had to lay low after committing a crime like that but it must be a while. 

After seeing the news and how loudly it was broadcasted, even if you couldn't see Tomura's face he was cautious about taking Ichigo outside. He ran into a lot of pro heroes, some of whom might know what Shigaraki looked like. He couldn't risk his position within the league. He needed their trust no matter what. 

So if someone saw him with a kid that looked exactly like the most wanted man in Japan...well there might just be some issues. 

At least he finally understood what Shigaraki had meant by 'Ichigo wasn't meant to be a homebody'. The kid just wanted to get up and go, they kept asking about the park, swimming, the playgroup they went to, you name it. 

And it hurt Keigo's heart to deny them any of the stuff a normal kid could have, but the fact is, Ichigo's not normal. Not through any fault of their own, but their dad is Shigaraki Tomura. There's nothing normal about that freak show. 

"I have arrived!" A voice shouted. 

Ichigo immediately perked up and rushed to the front door. "Uncle Dabi!" They shrieked. 

The villain greeted them with open arms, picking them up and swinging them around. Ichigo giggled, quickly deciding this would be way more enjoyable as a bunny. Dabi nearly dropped them when they got smaller in his hands but managed to catch them in the end. 

"You nearly dropped the baby!" Keigo squawked. 

"But I didn't." Dabi replied with a wink. Keigo rolled his eyes. 

"You're gonna get us both disintegrated." The hero shot back. "Speaking of dust man, where is he? I figured he would be coming, not you.". 

"Yeah, about that..." Dabi trailed off. "Well he's trying to pick up the pieces of the evil empire, that's kinda shattered right now. He sent me to check up on the little buddy.". 

"Daddy's not coming?" Ichigo asked. No one noticed when they had gone human again. 

"Ah shit." Dabi said, burying his head in his hands. Ichigo's eyes welled with tears. Usually the kid was stoic as shit. They didn't cry when they fell unless it actually hurt, didn't cry while being told off, nothing. But the moment their dad left the room it was waterworks until Shigi came back. 

"Don't cures around the baby!" Keigo gasped, scandalized. "Come on kiddo, its not that bad. He'll be home soon.". 

"Is daddy not coming back?" The toddler asked their eyes already dripping. "D-does daddy not want me anymore?!". 

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