11: Say Hello

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It was really odd when Tomura came downstairs, holding a puppy in a dress. 

Now, they had expected some weird shit, but Tomura didn't strike them as the puppy owning type nor the type to put an animal in clothes. Especially clothes that were a bit big on them. 

But they supposed everyone had their weird little things. Toga liked seashells. 

Although a seashell wasn't exactly a puppy in a dress but eh. Villains were a different breed of person. 

"Why do you do this?" Tomura asked the puppy as he passed by their hiding spot. "Do you enjoy making things harder for me?". 

The puppy just barked and the villain huffed, leaving the complex. Dabi and Toga made eye contact and nodded, moving out. 

They followed him down the street, keeping far enough behind it wasn't suspicious. 

"Where do you think he's going?" Toga whispered, unable to contain her theories. "I'm thinking the park, the groomers, maybe a cute café, the options are almost limitless.". 

"Does he look like he's dressed for a cute café?" Dabi asked, gesturing to Tomura. He was wearing a dark hoodie with the hood off, his collar bones slightly exposed. Couple that with his black boots and terribly out of date skinny jeans, he didn't exactly give off the vibe that he was going to take photos of cute latte art. The outlier of his outfit would be the cream coloured tote bag slung over his shoulder. 

The puppy started wiggling in Tomura's arms. "Hey, don't make me drop you." He warned, "If you want down you can change back. I didn't bring a leash and you can't be trusted.". 

Toga and Dabi shared a confused look. "Does he mean change out of the dress?" Toga whispered. 

"Probably.". But Dabi looked suspicious. There had to be some sort of context they were missing. 

Before they could further their investigation Shigaraki ducked into a train station, scanning a transport pass and walking through the turnstiles. The other two villains scrambled to produce their own and rushed after him, at a non-noticeable pace, obviously. They didn't run after their boss. Not at all. They're subtle as fuck thank you very much. 

"Sir, the dog has to be in a bag or carrier." An attendant informed Tomura. The man sighed, making eye contact with the puppy. 

Ichigo snuffled a little, giving Tomura the coveted 'big eyes', before turning back into a human. The attendant seemed a little startled but smiled. 

"Lets go lets go lets go!" Ichigo said, bouncing in Tomura's arms. 

"Yeah yeah, we're going." The man replied, rolling his eyes fondly. They boarded the train and the doors quickly closed behind them. 

A man in a nice suit saw Ichigo and smiled, immediately moving from his seat. Tomura wobbled over on the moving train and set Ichigo down. "Can you say thank you?" He prompted. 

Ichigo beamed at the man. "Thank you!". Tomura made sure to put the toddler's shoes and socks back on before grabbing a nearby handle. 

Toga and Dabi managed to reach the platform right before the train left, but the doors were already closed. They watched as their boss's mop of blueish hair disappeared. 

"Goddamn it!" Toga groaned. "We're gonna lose him!". 

"Fuck." Dabi cursed under his breath. "Alright, we can probably catch up.".

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Tomura arrived at the rec center and awkwardly shuffled inside. He saw a group of other parents, all with kids of varying ages. They were all chatting animatedly as their kids shuffled around, waiting for the fun to start. 

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