She felt someone grab her from hehind and she turned and punched him twice but was dragged off of him by others.

"Get off me!" She groaned trying to get out of his hold. The guy just rolled his eyes and trailed his hand up her body, his hand going underneath her t-shirt to her bra. Tears fell down her cheeks as she sobbed but none of them paid any mind

"Stop! Please!" Another guy moved forward and grabbed her thighs to stop her moving around and trailed his hand higher

Hazel couldn't hear the screeching of tyres through her cries until they let go of her. She looked up through her blurry eyes to see an outline off Jasper getting out of the car.

When Jasper got there, he could barely even think straight. He had felt what they they did and hazel's at the same time so he was beyond pissed. He got out of the car and saw 3 of the men on the floor unconscious and another 3 surrounding her

"Move away from her. Now" he was barely keeping his cool and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it up for longer, but thankfully they all rushed away. He moved over to Hazel who had her knees to her chest as she cried

"Hey, Darlin it's me" she looked up slowly

"Jas?" She questioned between sobs

"I'm going to help you in the car, is that alright?" she nodded and he didn't waste any time and picked her up, moving her to the passenger seat

Once he was in the car as well he sped off, his anger coming back as he thought about what just happened but hearing her cries in her ear kept him on track

"I should go back there and rip their heads off" Hazel shook her head, though that's what In the ideal world should happen she knew it wasn't right.

"No. No. Please don't leave me" his eyes softened at what shes requesting
"Can you take me home?" She whispered, her cries calming down

"Of course"

"Wait- Bella?"

"Edward found her. She's safe" she let out a sigh of relief at jaspers words

"I know what you are Jasper, my uncle told me" he didn't know what that meant or how her uncle knew anything but he continued to drive to her place anyways


"What happened?" Jack asked angrily to Jasper as he opened the door to see his niece in his arms, she was still crying but she had calmed down slightly

"I found her like this, she took a short cut back from port Angeles, there was some guys there. She fought three off them off, they were unconscious when I found them but there was still other ones she couldn't" her uncles face significantly darkened at the idea of what might've happened but he was significantly grateful for the presence of Jasper

"I'm alright" Hazel sniffled. Jasper placed her on a chair on the sofa in the living room

"Thank you for helping her Jasper, she's lucky to have you. And your family, she speaks about you guys a lot"

"She- she said you know about us"

"I do. I'm sure you've had some suspicions about what she is as well" Jasper nodded glancing to the girl
"She didn't know anything till last night. But I told her our heritage. we're what you call ΥΠΕΡΑΣΠΙΣΤΗΣ"

Endlessly - Jasper hale [1]✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora