Chapter FiftyFour

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I pull my hand from Hex's in order to close Wyonna's door behind us. He doesn't stop walking to wait for me, not even turning to look as he continues down the hallway.

The bad feeling in my gut starts to churn. He may have done a good job at hiding his true emotions in front of Wyonna but now they're making themselves known.

I sigh and jog to catch up to him, my legs working much harder to keep up with him then his are.

He allows me to grab his hand and he tightens his hold on me.

I say nothing but press my lips to his bicep as we walk, knowing he needs the comfort even if I can't express it verbally.

He briefly slows to press his own lips to my forehead before he picks up pace again.

We pass the windows that show the garden in the centre and my eyes focus on the area that Alex Pollar once occupied but I can't look for long as we exit into the main hallway and waiting room. There's more people here then previously and I have to glue myself to Hex's back to make it past them.

Apologies and grunts are heard as everyone shoves their way through, some caring for others and some not.

"Fucks sake" Hex grumbles as he finally finds a path and bee lines it for the front door. We can't even see the reception desk as people crowd around it.

The fresh air is nice and the car park is full.

"What a fucking shit show" Hex mumbles, the wind blows his hair around his face and he uses his hand in an attempt to stop it. It doesn't work.

I don't know if he's referencing the visit with Wyonna or the uanessacry amount of people in the waiting room.

"Yeah" is all I say.

Hex takes the drivers seat as we get in the car. I fiddle around with the radio until a decent song can be heard.

I can almost see the cogs turning in Hex's mind as he thinks, a far away look in his eyes. The silent conversation between himself and his mother doing more for him than anything anyone could verbalise.

"Is Harley home?" He questions out of the blue.

"Uh, yeah, she should be" I respond "why?"

The radio plays in the background as Hex starts the car and pulls out of the carpark in the opposite direction of our apartment.

He shrugs "haven't seen her in a while".

Sometimes I wonder if he forgets that we're basically one person now. Everything I feel; he feels and vice-versa and right now I can feel the sickening depression that's fighting to take over him. It's enough to nearly bring me to tears.

"New update in from the fatal car crash a few days ago. The surviving passenger has been cleared of any serious injuries and has been released from hospital" the radio is the only sound in the car.

Hex reaches over and turns it off.


"Oh, this is a nice surprise" Harley exclaims as she answer her front door. She does her best at hiding her surprise but it's evident in her tone.

Hex walks in first, giving Harley a hug as he slings an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into him. Harley and I have similar reactions at the physical contact. Her eyes widen and her mouth drops. Hex preferred to show his affection in ways other than touch, to anyone besides me at least.

"Hi Harley" I greet as Hex pulls away and walks into the kitchen.

Harley hugs me, pulling me in close and whispering hurriedly in my ear.

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