Chapter TwentySeven

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The last two weeks had been a blur of wedding prep and I couldn't have done it without mum and Harley. Even Josie had helped when she could which I appreciated immensely, it couldn't have been an easy task with a baby.

Hex had stayed mostly out of the wedding planning, even when I asked his opinion on things he would resort back to 'whatever you want, I want'. It annoyed me to begin with because I genuinely wanted his opinion but it proved to be easier and a time saver.

We had chosen the cake a few days ago. And by we I mean Hex and I, choosing the wedding cake was something I was not going to do alone. We came to the agreement of a simple vanilla cake with strawberry filling. It's small in size just like the rest of the wedding, including the guest list. So small that we decided it would just be easier to call everyone and tell them to keep the date free instead of sending out invitations. Besides, by the time they got the invitations the wedding would have probably passed considering how quick the date is creeping up on us.

It's a weight that's been taken off my shoulders and I can finally find it in myself to become excited rather than stressed.

There is still one thing that is missing though and it's not something that anyone can help me with; the dress.

"I don't know about this one, mum" I exclaim as I spin slowly while looking at myself in the mirror.

Mum, Harley and I had come to a small wedding boutique, the only other one apart from Bows & Ties but besides these two the only other ones close by are on the Eastside and no way in hell am I going over there and risking running into any of the Pollar's. It happened my first time wedding dress shopping and it will not happen again. No one will ruin this experience for me again.

"Walk around Poppy, you might change your mind" Mum encourages me. I do what she suggests just to please her but the dress is big and bulky, the princess style catching on everything and risking either tearing or pushing something over.

"Okay, maybe not" mum says as she watches me struggle to move.

"I don't like it" I whisper when the lady helping us moves out of ear shot.

"I hate it" Harley sudden exclaims. I silently thank her. I feel like I was becoming blind to all the dresses, I had tried on so many and I was beginning to fear I had just grouped them all into the 'no' pile for the sake of it but Harley agreeing with me and validating my thoughts puts me at ease. They were in fact the wrong dress for me.

"Well, what are you going to wear Poppy? You can't turn up to your own wedding in jeans and a shirt, honey" mum says. I hadn't mentioned it but I can't seem to get the last dress I tried on at Bows & Ties out of my head. I loved it then and I still think about it but I thought I'd look around first before deciding. I also had been avoiding that part of town after running into Ace Pollar but I need a wedding dress.

"What's that face for?" Harley asks as she looks at me. My nose scrunches up as I come to the realisation that I had wasted their time here and now want to drive across town to Bows & Ties.

I look to mum "Can we go back to Bows & Ties? That last dress I tried on, I liked it and I want to try it on again" I plead, hoping neither of them are mad at me and that neither have anywhere else to be. "Do you two have the time?" I ask hesitantly.

Mum stands instantly and Harley looks like she just got reenergised.

"Don't be silly honey of course I have time" Mum says as she starts to help me out of the itchy puffy dress.

I look to Harley, I know she has to work tonight.

"Yeah" she shrugs "I don't have to start until 6pm so we should be good". I smile and try my best to do a happy dance under the dress.

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