Chapter Eleven

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"What do you want Mr. Rose?" Charlie asks as I hear the hustle and bustle in the background as Hex holds the phone in his hand on speakerphone and paces the lounge room.

I'd had mixed emotions when we walked into the apartment and found no sign of mum. I had freaked out, thinking the worst until I walked into the kitchen and found the note she had left saying she had gone on her daily walk. I was relieved that she was out of earshot but annoyed that she hadn't taken my unspoken advice of staying inside and locking the door. But then again, she has no idea of any of this and therefore no reason to fear anyone so I guess I can't blame her.

"Charlie" Hex states angrily and by the short pause in Charlie's response I can tell it takes him by surprise. Hex continues pacing the lounge room, one hand holding the phone and the other tangled in his hair; a sign of stress. I stand by the kitchen doorway, my finger in my mouth as I chew the nail and watch him closely.

"Yes Mr. Rose?" Charlie responds.

"Why has Poppy just bumped into Ace-fucking-Pollar?" Hex fumes, I watch the carpet waiting for it to give way under his feet as he walks a line into the floor.

"Ace Pollar?" Charlie repeats. Hex grunts his yes. "I don't know Mr. Rose" Charlie answers simply. It does little to satisfy Hex as his hand tugs at the hair on the back of his head and he looks up at the ceiling. I can see that he's trying to hold back on blowing up on Charlie.

"Well, what the fuck do we do Charlie?" He asks, almost hissing the words into the phone. I wince, fearing Charlie won't put up with the disrespect but he takes it like water off a ducks back.

"There is little you can do, unfortunately" Hex opens his mouth to argue but Charlie cuts him off before he can get a word out "he approached Ms. Hart in a public area. There's nothing that says he cannot legally do that, unless you apply for a restraining order but Ms. Hart has already tried that without the desired outcome" I freeze in the doorway as Hex throws a look my way.

I had completely forgotten to tell Hex that I had tried to apply for a restraining order against Ace and Amos Pollar in the two weeks during his parole violation. I was meant to tell him but had been so wrapped up in having him back that it had gone straight over my head and nothing in the following months had brought it forward.

"She did, did she?" Hex stops walking and stands in the middle of the lounge room facing me, holding intense eye contact with me as he holds the phone to his mouth. I release a breath and turn my back, walking into the kitchen so Hex can no longer see me.

I briefly hear Charlie answer Hex and then the sound of Hex hanging up without another word. I wait for him to come into the kitchen but he remains in the lounge room for a moment longer. The sound of him breathing in a deep breath can be heard and then his footsteps come closer.

"You tried to get a restraining order?" Hex questions quietly as he stands in the doorway and I pick up a random dirty dish in the sink and wash it, finding anything to keep my hands busy to calm my nerves from the day.

"Yeah" I whisper through the room. I don't know if it's the emotions of the day that are catching up to me or if I'm just overwhelmed but tears prick at my eyes once more, making me angry with myself. I look up at the ceiling hoping to keep them from falling. "While you were in Hellbound I told Charlie about Amos and Ace and he advised I get a restraining order but I didn't have enough evidence" I explain, feeling somewhat like a failure even if it isn't my fault.

Hex says nothing but I hear him walk closer to me. His footsteps are nearly silent as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest as his other hand grabs the dish from my hands. His chest is warm against my back as I sag into him.

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