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After a long week filled with packing things for the tour and planning everything we were finally ready to go. "Hurry up we have to leave in 7 minutes girls!" Maggie shouted from the kitchen. 

"Bil where is my perfume I can't find it anywhere" I said while grabbing some things and throwing them around hoping to find the pink bottle.

"You already packed it in your blue suitcase" She said calmly picking up some stuff off the ground.

After a good five minutes we were finally ready to leave the house. We got some help from Patrick to put all the suitcases in the car and then we finally sat down. Billie sat down next to me and she grabbed my hand to hold it tight.

We were on our way to our first location in New Orleans. We almost arrived at the airport and I am nervous as fuck. I'm gonna be away from my hometown for a long fucking time. But I have the person I love the most with me. And she is gonna help me get through this. I'm sure it'll be okay.

"Here we are" Finneas said opening the car door as soon as we came to a stop. I followed him out of the car and waited for Billie to do the same. When we all got out of the vehicle and grabbed our suitcases we walked inside the airport with security surrounding us.

After we checked in and everything I finally sat down on a little bench while Billie sat next to me. "I'm scared" I sighed while I put my head on her shoulder.

"What's scaring you? You know I'll take care of you, right?" She put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

"What if we end up having a fight and you hate me and then you'll have to send me home" Only the thought of it made me miserable.

"Baby you know that I will never do that. You are living with us for a while now and we never had a fight so it won't happen any time soon. I promise" She said. I nodded my head and let out a deep breath trying to relax before we got onto the plane.

"Callista" She took a deep breath "Can I ask you something important?" She asked and it almost sounded like she was kinda nervous. 

"Yeah sure" I said as I removed my head from her shoulder.

"So a few days ago I got a call from your school" she sighs "And they told me that your father gave them my name and they found my number. The school told me that you skipped a few lessons last week and that they worry about your grades. Do you wanna tell me what happened?" She gave my hand a little squeeze.

"Oh it's nothing, I think they made a mistake" I laughed it off looking away from her trying to break the eye contact. 

"Cal i'm serious if something happened I really wanna know so I can help you" 

"I know Billie but you can't help me" I said and looked at my shoes. 

"at least tell me so I can stop worrying" She said holding my hand a bit tighter.

"Billie i'm not telling you so you don't have to worry about me. I don't wanna be a burden to you." I told her while fidgeting with one of my rings around my index finger. 

"Baby you aren't, you are the most caring and wonderful person I have ever met. I care about you a lot. That's why I worry about you" 

"girls we have to go now the plane will leave in a few minutes" Patrick said and grabbed and turned around to walk towards the plain. I stood up to grab my bag and walk away but Billie grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"I'm serious Cal I really do care about you" She said and let go of my hand. She grabbed her bag and walked in the same direction Patrick had disappeared in and I followed her.

After half an hour we sat down in our seats. Patrick with Magie, Finneas with Claudia, Me and Billie and the rest of the crew on the other side. 

I was still thinking about Billie and I's conversation at the airport. It felt so wrong to not tell her but I also didn't want her to get involved in my problems. Then I felt two arms wrapped around me and a pair of soft lips pressed up against my cheek. I love this girl.

I leaned my head against her chest and closed my eyes. I felt the plane starting to move and heard loud noises. after a while we're high up in the air.

4 hours later the plane stopped moving and everyone shuffled around to grab their bags and walk towards the exit. Billie stood up and grabbed both our bags and followed the crew towards the exit. I followed Billie and we got off the plane. 

"Our suitcases are already at the hotel so let's get a taxi" Patrick said walking around the parking lot waving at a car for it to stop. We all climbed into the car and the vehicle started to move. 

We have almost arrived at our hotel and I feel very nervous. I don't know if I have to sleep alone and even if I have a room. I feel guilty that Billie has to pay for everything. I don't want her to think that I'm taking advantage of her. I really like her and I want to tell her but I can't. She doesn't love me and she could get someone way prettier than me. Even if she did love me she eventually will get sick and tired of me and throw me out. I can't rely on her.

"Come on Cal we are here" I hear Billie's soft voice while she is opening the car door. I climbed out of the car and grabbed Billie's hand while walking towards a big building. 

I felt like I could throw up. I don't wanna sleep alone in a room. "You're gonna be okay" Billie whispered in my ear while I felt a wave of warmth around my body as I walked through the door. We walked to the front desk and the woman grabbed all the keys of our rooms and handed them to Maggie.

When we were at the 3th floor Maggie started handing out the keys. When she walked up to us I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Maggie handed Billie a key with the number 302 on it and started reading more labels so she could find a room close to Billie for me. "Calista will sleep with me in my room" Billie said to her mother and turned to me "Is that okay for you?" She asked raising her brows a little bit.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding as I nodded. "Yes ofcourse!" I said with a slight smile on my face.

authors note: I'm sorry for the messy chapter but I really didn't know how I wanted to write this chapter. I re-wrote it like 6 times and still hate it. I also really don't like this story so let me know what you think and maybe I'll quit this story and start a new one or do a time skip or something like that. But if you are still reading thank you so much! please take care of yourself and be kind. I love you very much<33

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