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authors note: okay so there will be a trigger warning again in this chapter, but there will be some important information and that will happen a lot in this book so if you are triggered fast please don't read this book or the parts with the trigger warning<3

(I hate this chapter)

I walked into the house and softly closed the door behind me as I saw Billie driving off. ⚠️ "Hey where have you been I needed you to clean up the house today. And you just left and tried to get away!" My dad yelled at me when i turned around. I felt tears sting in my eyes. "And now you are gonna cry? let me give you a reason to cry." He said as I felt a hand on my cheek. 

He slapped me across the face. "so you are gonna tell me where you were today?" He asked. I tried to answer but I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth. Then I felt a fist hit my eye and i immediately buried my face in my hands. "Okay so you don't wanna tell me?" He said and then grabbed my arm and dragged me to the kitchen. "You are gonna clean this right now" he said as he pushed me on the floor and locked the door behind me.⚠️

I started cleaning as tears rolled down my cheeks. My eye still hurt really bad and i knew that I was gonna have a bruise. Then I heard my phone ring and I quickly grabbed it out of my pocket to turn down the volume so my dad wouldn't hear it. I saw that Billie tried to call me. 


C: hey, why did you call me?

B: I just wanted to let you know you left your jacket in my car and i have it right now. Do you want me to bring it to your place? 

C: I'm sorry but right now isn't the best moment but I can pick it up later this week if that's okay?

B: yeah sure just let me know if you need it or if you want me to bring it to you:) 

C: okay I will thank you Billie<3

B: no problem at all my love:)

I quickly locked my phone and got back to cleaning the kitchen. After a lot of cleaning I was done and i knocked on the door a few times. It stayed quiet except for the snoring I heard. I was pretty sure that my dad fell asleep and I couldn't get out to go to my room. This wasn't the first time it happened so I sat down on the floor and scrolled trough my phone.

After a really really long night scrolling through my phone and eating snacks I heard someone walk through the living room. I quickly stood up and put my phone away. I heard a key unlock the door and it slowly opened. I saw my dad open the door and I walked out of the kitchen. He took a look inside the kitchen and nodded. "next time clean it better and you better hurry because you can't be late at school" he said as he closed the door again.

I ran upstairs and walked into the bathroom grabbing my make-up bag. When I looked in the mirror I saw a pair of green eyes and a bruised face. I grabbed some foundation and concealer to cover up the bruise. After i covered the bruise I grabbed my bag and walked out of the front door on my way to school.

When I arrived at school I sat down grabbed my book out of my bag and started reading. Before I knew the lesson was over and I got up to go to my next lesson. I sat in the back of the classroom and stared out the window for an hour. When I heard the bell ring i got up and walked to the exit of the school to get out of there. I sat outside for some time until the break was over. I walked inside again to follow my last lessons of the day and after I walked home. When i got home i ran into my room changed into my uniform for work and walked out of the door again.

When I arrived at the McDonald's I walked inside. I had to work to pay for my food and the bills. I worked 3 days of the week after school and on the weekends I danced. That was the only thing I actually enjoyed. I hated working because a lot of the people don't realize that I am just a human too.  But I didn't really have a choice. After 3 hours of working I left and walked back home. 

It was really late when I got back home. I changed clothes and removed my make-up. Then I plopped down on my bed and scrolled through my phone. After a few hours I felt my eyes getting heavy and decided that it was the best for me to go to sleep. I put my phone on the charger and immediately passed out.

authors note: okay do ya'll want longer chapters or do you like them this way? I really wanna improve my writing so please let me know. I still don't really know how school/work and shit works in LA so I decided to write it this way I really hope ya'll like it:) xxx 

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