
274 9 1

tw: ED, Bullying/homophobia, Talk about sh

Finally school was over. After what happened in class I sat in the school bathrooms waiting for the day to pass. The second I heard the bell ring I texted Billie to pick me up.


C: heyy can you pick me up please

B: On my way i'll be there in 5 minutes

C: Thanks Bil

B: No problem my love<3

I waited outside at the parking lot and after a few minutes I saw a matt black dodge challenger driving into the parking lot. I walked over to the car and saw Billie shut the door and she immediately embraced me in a hug. "How was school?" Billie asked as we both got in the car and shut the door. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "It was fine I guess" I said staring out of the window. "How was your day?" I asked Billie trying to change the subject as I looked over at her. How can a person be so perfect.

"It was great actually I worked on a new song with Finneas" she smiled. She parked her car into the parking lot and got out. We walked into this tiny vegan restaurant and sat down at a table.

There were only a few other people since it wasn't a really popular restaurant. "What do you want to order?" Billie asked as she read through the menu.

"I'll just have a salad or something" I said as I grabbed my phone to look at the time. I opened Instagram and saw that my inbox blew up. I had loads of comments.

 I opened my inbox and looked at all the comments under my last post. Most of them were really cute. When I scrolled further down I saw more hate. things like 'ew she is fucking fat' and 'wtf she is gross'.

I quickly put my phone down when I heard a low male voice. Billie orders our food as he writes down everything on a little piece of paper. He nods and walks back into the kitchen. "What's wrong Cal you are really quiet" Billie said as she gave me a concerned look.

"It's nothing" I sigh and put my head on her shoulder. I felt our fingers intertwining as she grabbed my hand and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry everything is gonna be okay" She said as she gently rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb. I closed my eyes for a second trying to relax a bit. 

"I need to tell you something" Billie suddenly said breaking the silence. I opened my eyes and looked at her. I couldn't figure out if she looked concerned or excited. I felt my stomach turn as she sighs and squeezed my hand softly. 

"What's wrong Billie you are scaring me" I blurted out as I felt the room tense up a bit. 

"It's just that we have to go on tour again" She said and looked down as she nervously played with one of the many rings around her finger. 

"Well that's great right?" I ask her. I mean I know she loves to do shows and how excited she usually is for her shows. 

"Yes it is but it's just that I want you to come with me, but we will be on tour for 5 months" She said biting her lip. "And then you have to do all the classes online and you will be away from home for so long and-"

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